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In simulation arena, HPCC will work in principle but the need to develop or port large complex codes represents a serious handicap (see next foil) which for instance could hold up the "obvious" use of HPCC in Manufacturing by 10 to 20 years
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In High Speed Network arena, most applications such as "video-on-demand" are "new" and so HPCC competes much more favorably with traditional computer technology.
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In database arena, we can also expect quicker adoption of HPCC than for silmulation
Information processing is largest use of computers and so easier to justify investment in new technology
A parallel (relational) database is complicated to develop but only has to be done once -- SQL is naturally parallel (unlike Fortran) and so applications can be developed without knowledge of underlying hardware.
On the other hand, a parallel Fortran compiler is also very complex but STILL EVERY user must code carefully to exploit parallelism and essentially no existing Fortran codes parallelize without further thought.