Basic HTML version of Foils prepared April 7,1995

Foil 47 The HPCC Software Industry is not Viable in Simulation Area ?

From Programming Paradigms A CRPC/MCNC Workshop -- April 10-13 1995. by Geoffrey C. Fox

1 An HPCC Software Industry is essential if HPCC field is to become commercially succesful
2 The HPCC Simulation market is small
3 This market is not used to paying true cost for software
  • As cost traditionally bundled with hardware and one can get
  • Federal Grants to develop software yourself ....
4 There is a lot of excellent available public domain software (funded by federal government)
5 Small Businesses are natural implementation of HPCC Software Industry
  • Plenty of talented Entrepreneurs
6 Two InfoMall Success Stories
  • Portland Group: Commercializing High Performance Fortran Compiler developed at NPAC. We are not competing with them but adding value
  • Applied Parallel Technologies:Developing with NIST ATP and Venture Capital portable database exploitation tools
    • NPAC provides HPCC facilities, expertise and contact with best of class international software activities

in Table To:

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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