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See Generic and Specific Application Glossaries
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As nearly all large scale parallel machines are distributed memory, experience is largely
Fortran, C plus message passing
CM Fortran
CM Fortran generalizes to High Performance Fortran (HPF) or HPC++ (remarks independent of language details)
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Explicit Message Passing is only available way on "all" MIMD machines for generating good performance although this is at cost of significant user effort
user must be given programming models that are portable and scalable - user must "protect investment"
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HPF and Massage Passing both require substantial rewriting of code
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If existing or modestly modified Fortran 77, C, C++ codes would run "well" on parallel machine, then users would be happy
No evidence yet that this feasible on "large" global address space machines
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Many users want to use workstation clusters as well as dedicated parallel machines
Mesage Passing allows this