Basic HTML version of Foils prepared April 7,1995

Foil 26 HPF+: Extensions to HPF -- Use name HPF+ so don't predjudice "official" HPF2

From Programming Paradigms B CRPC/MCNC Workshop -- April 10-13 1995. by Geoffrey C. Fox

We know the following areas MUST be addressed for a really useful HPF compiler
We roughly know how to do all of this and why
Support for irregular data distributions
  • unstructured, block-structured, adaptive...
  • Ab inito (static) partitioners
  • Dynamic including incremental partitioners
Enhancements to Forall and similar constructs
Sparse and tree data structures
Interface/Coupling with other languages (e.g., C++)
Parallel I/O
Heterogeneous systems
Some sort of support of or interface with task or perhaps control parallelism

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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