Basic HTML version of Foils prepared April 7,1995

Foil 36 Significant improvement in HPF needed but seems possible for .. (contd)

From Programming Paradigms B CRPC/MCNC Workshop -- April 10-13 1995. by Geoffrey C. Fox

Particle in the Cell -- Basic steps of algorithm
  • 1) Assignment Phase: For each particle assign the charge and current density to grid point:
    • Can be represented in HPF.
  • Distribution of Grid and Particle have to be specified.
    • Grid is partitioned using regular decomposition
    • Particles using Coordinate Bisection
  • 2) Solve Maxwell equations on the grid.
    • Regular problem can be specified in HPF
  • 3) Find Force on each particle using interpolation.
    • (Here the geometry has to be built in the algorithm!)
    • Can be specified in HPF using Extensions to Forall for reduction
  • 4) Move the particle
Irregularly Coupled Regular Meshes (ICRM) -- Basic Algorithm
  • 1) Iterate over each of the meshes independently on a subset of processors.
    • HPF extensions for specifying subset of processors.
  • 2) Interactions between meshes
    • Block structured runtime support

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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