This module describes many current approaches including different languages which support message passing, data parallelism and task parallelism. We describe the status of various approaches and what software is appropriate for what problems and what machines |
We describe High Performance Fortran and what features are needed for what applications as well as |
Special needs of coarse grain task parallelism |
001 What software is suitable for what problems? 002 What Applications have we learnt from ? 003 Comparison of 3 different Programming Models 004 What software systems are appropriate for what problem architectures -- I? 005 What software systems are appropriate for what problem architectures -- II? 006 Candidate Software Paradigms for each problem architecture 007 Problem v. Machine Architecture 008 Software Built on Top of FORTRAN, C ... 009 Evaluation of High Performance Fortran What applications need what features of HPF and its extensions ? 010 What Issues should High Performance Fortran (HPF) Address! 011 Goal of High Performance Fortran 012 Any Complete Programming Environment Must Handle 013 HIGH PERFORMANCE FORTRAN COMPILERS 014 What type of compiler is HPF ? 015 The High Performance Fortran Library 016 HPF Intrinsic Library 017 High Performance Fortran Library -- I 018 High Performance Fortran Library -- II 019 Fortran 90 Local Routine Intrinsics 020 Imprecise Mapping of Problem Classes into Runtime and Language Terms 021 General Applicability of HPF, HPF++, HPC++ 022 Importance of HPF, HPC++ to Users 023 What about other languages ? 024 What applications does HPF support? If not - what extensions are needed? 025 5 Categories of Problems 026 HPF+: Extensions to HPF -- Use name HPF+ so don't predjudice "official" HPF2 027 Original Classification used in Planning CRPC (Maryland Rice Syracuse) HPF extensions 028 What can current HPF Language Surely do? 029 HPF can also do the synchronous 030 Current HPF can also do the Embarassingly Parallel 031 Difficult but (almost) possible for HPF 032 HPF can express Region Growing in Image Processing 033 HPF can also express irregular domains seen near critical points of physical systems 034 Swendsen-Wang clusters (boundaries shown in black) for 3 state Potts model at Tc 035 Significant improvement in HPF needed but seems possible for Particle in the Cell 036 Significant improvement in HPF needed but seems possible for .. (contd) 037 Some very hard Loosely Synchronous Problems -- HPF Expression uncertain 038 Large N-Body Calculations (Quinn, Salmon, Warren) 039 10,000 Body Barnes-Hut Tree 040 8M bodies - 10 Mpc diameter Final state with ~700 resolved "galaxies" (Warren, Quinn, Zurek) 041 The Largest "Galaxy" Halo with 137,000 particles taken from 8.8 Million particle simulation of Warren,Fullagar,Quinn and Zurek 042 Speed Up on nCUBE of Parallel Barnes Hut Algorithm 043 Final Summary of Problem and Software Architectures 044 What determines when Parallelism is Clear ? 045 The map of Problem ---> Computer is performed in two or more statges 046 The Mapping of Space of Problem Architectures onto Space of Machine Architectures 047 We can divide problems and machines into interconnected modules - and we do this at different granularities - I 048 We can divide problems and machines into interconnected modules - and we do this at different granularities - II 049 Different Grain Sizes for MetaProblems and Interpreter 050 Software Integration -- Support of Coarse Grain Tasks (Metaproblems) using AVS 051 AVS as System Integration Tool 052 A distributed parallel computing environment using AVS module network 053 Case Studies in Integrating AVS into HPDC Applications -- Stock Option Pricing 054 System Integration and Data Flows for financial modeling on a mix of Workstations, CM5 and Maspar 055 Option Price Modeling Screen Dump 056 Electromagnetic Simulation using AVS Screen Dump 057 Case Studies in Integrating AVS into HPDC Applications -- Electromagnetic Simulation 058 Physical Problem and Domains studied in Electromagnetic Simulation 059 Mapping of Electromagnetic Simulation onto MetaComputer 060 Setup for Computational Electromagnetic AVS Simulation 061 Data Assimilation -- NASA Grand Challenge Kalman Filters to combine weather models and data 062 AVS Distributed Computing Setup for Data Assimilation 063 Summary of Outstanding Issues in Programming Paradigms 064 Integrating Role of ANDF and possible HPANDF 065 Some Issues in Programming Paradigms 066 Some Different Approaches for Software Coordination 067 Questions in Comparison of AVS and PVM 068 Software Integration Questions?