Basic HTML version of Foils prepared July 14 97

Foil 56 HP-CORBA - I

From Web Technology as the basis of Portable High Quality HPCN Software Review Meeting of PSPTA Group Manchester UK, Garland Texas(E-systems), Winnipeg Canada(HPCS'97) -- July 1,9,12 97. by Geoffrey C. Fox

1 We now start the discussion of the proposed HPCC extension and adaptation of the Object Web Architecture. In the object domain (chart column), we propose the extension of the CORBA model for the HPCC domain by developing a minimal high performance ORB on top of MPI/Nexus.
2 Such HP-ORBlets, residing in the individual nodes of a parallel system (either as network daemons or as runtime libraries) would allow to hide explicit message passing calls in terms of higher level more user-friendly remote object invocations.
3 HP-ORBlets would focus on high performance data/method communication support, whereas the lower bandwidth control communication would be passed to and handled by the full functionality lower performance commercial ORBs in the CORBA bus in the middleware layer.

in Table To:

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