Basic HTML version of Foils prepared July 14 97

Foil 104 Aspects of HPCORBA Architecture

From Web Technology as the basis of Portable High Quality HPCN Software Review Meeting of PSPTA Group Manchester UK, Garland Texas(E-systems), Winnipeg Canada(HPCS'97) -- July 1,9,12 97. by Geoffrey C. Fox

1 The following figure illustrates a possible CORBA-HPCC integration framework ( HPCORBA )
2 Each node of a parallel machine runs a lightweight (e.g. Nexus based ) ORBlet which enables both local and remote object services.
3 Coming CORBA3/MOM based messaging and object-by-value frameworks adapted to provide high-performance (e.g. MPI based) object-oriented (IIOP based) inter-node communication.
4 Parallel Computation graphs are represented by Interface Definition Language (IDL) in a language independent way and optimized by parallel compiler technologies.
5 Specific language bindings would result in HPF, HPC++ or HPJava implementations.
6 This framework provides interoperability with the emergent Object Web software industry and offers an elegant solution for scalable parallel I/O ( linking HPCORBA with Oracle CORBA )

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