Basic HTML version of Foils prepared July 14 97

Foil 53 Approaches to Distributed Objects

From Web Technology as the basis of Portable High Quality HPCN Software Review Meeting of PSPTA Group Manchester UK, Garland Texas(E-systems), Winnipeg Canada(HPCS'97) -- July 1,9,12 97. by Geoffrey C. Fox

At present, JavaBeans technology is focused on component programming within a single Java VM.
Within the Sun philosophy of '100% Java', distributed Beans can be developed using RMI interconnect. However, the rest of the industry tries to protect their C++ investments while converting to Java.
Hence, in parallel with JavaBeans development, the Web industry explores now the linkage of Java with CORBA based distributed object technologies which offer an full C++/Java interoperability.
CORBA supports cross-language remote object invocation as well as IIOP (Internet Inter-ORB Protocol) based interoperability between object brokers from various vendors.

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