Scripted HTML version of Foils prepared April 17 97

Foil 34 Some Critical Features of Java and Parallelism - II

From The National/Next Generation Information Infrastructure in the service of Education Training and Computational Science RCI Federal SIG Meeting Williamsburg Marriot -- April 17 97. by Geoffrey C. Fox *

As we saw large scale Applications need many forms of parallelism and it is not needed/appropriate to use the same mechanism for each form
  • Coarse Grain Software Integration or Coordination (item 4))
    • Naturally built into Java through Applet mechanism and networking classes
  • But Data Parallelism (item 1)) -- needed for "massive parallelism" -- but although not directly supported, we can do by hand!
Thus Java needs (runtime and perhaps language) extension to support HPF/HPC++ like (shared memory model for programmer) data parallelism but "Java plus message passing" is already here
  • Most Examples of Java+MP are in Information arena (This is how you build Java Collaboratories) but scientific examples are emerging
  • We can do Java+MP for "Laplace Equation Jacobi Iteration" and this how we (Caltech) started hypercube work in 1981
  • Note that Fortran or C plus message passing (PVM,MPI) is dominant implementation technology for data parallelism over last ten years

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