Scripted HTML version of Foils prepared April 17 97

Foil 36 Opportunities in Education - I

From The National/Next Generation Information Infrastructure in the service of Education Training and Computational Science RCI Federal SIG Meeting Williamsburg Marriot -- April 17 97. by Geoffrey C. Fox *

HTML Java etc will give higher quality basic Curricula with glossaries, database search, hyperlinking etc.
Virtual Laboratories for Science, Programming etc.
  • Use VRML2 for game like science exploratory learning
  • We have JavaScript Perl Java VRML SQL HPF and MPI with Web Interfaces
Voice (RealAudio) and video capture of teacher as augmentation of lecture curricula material
  • record when teacher is delivering to capture adrenalin enhancements!
Searchable video archives for finding critical few minutes clips to use in class
  • More useful than searching 10,000 movies for "Web BlockBuster" which really makes poor use of digital video

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