Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at RCI Annual Members Executive Conference on October 31,95. Foils prepared October 30,95
Abstract * Foil Index for this file
We describe the implications of the Web for Industry and Education |
WebWindows is the basic Web Operating Environment |
Java, PERL, VRML, HTML are critical technologies but we can also make better uses of current well established technologies such as relational databases |
We use WebFoil as an example to illustrate the Web approach to (WebTop) Productivity software with open modular design |
WebWork is HPCC (Parallel Computing) built using Web Technologies -- a viable supportable base |
The opportunities include both the delivery of education from K-12 to Continuing education as well as teaching of these new exciting technologies |
This table of Contents
RCI Executive Conference |
October 30 - November 1,1995 |
Geoffrey Fox |
NPAC at Syracuse University |
111 College Place |
Syracuse NY 13244-4100 |
We describe the implications of the Web for Industry and Education |
WebWindows is the basic Web Operating Environment |
Java, PERL, VRML, HTML are critical technologies but we can also make better uses of current well established technologies such as relational databases |
We use WebFoil as an example to illustrate the Web approach to (WebTop) Productivity software with open modular design |
WebWork is HPCC (Parallel Computing) built using Web Technologies -- a viable supportable base |
The opportunities include both the delivery of education from K-12 to Continuing education as well as teaching of these new exciting technologies |
It provides a pervasive and highly innovative technology base
Note Intel Teraflop computer will have 9000 P6's but WWW will have at least one thousand times as many possible nodes varying (eventually) from supercomputers to settop boxes |
WWW is important as it allows rich (world wide linkage of simulation and information capabilities) open and portable environment |
In future one will NOT write software for either
Rather one will write software for WebWindows defined as the operating environment for World Wide Web |
WebWindows builds on top of Web Servers and Web Client open interfaces as in
Applications written for WebWindows will be portable to all computers running Web Servers or Clients
Persuasion and Powerpoint are rather similar monolithic packages which can for instance only be clumsily ported to UNIX as cannot access internal data-structures defining foils |
WebFoil (NPAC prototype WebWindows presentation package) has |
Extended open HTML source manipulated by powerful PERL5 scripts allowing global changes and linkages of foils from many sources
WebFoil Uses Hotjava to display HTML with full Web Power including applets to enable Multimedia and dynamic presentations |
The WebTop Productivity environment will be built in a more modular fashion than current PC Windows or Macintosh arena
Java is key to understanding how WebWindows application/service software will look as it allows balanced client server applications to be built |
Note require an open display software so can produce appropriate customized interfaces for browsing, presenting, word processing etc. |
Java may or may not be accepted by Web Community and Sun/Netscape may or may not allow it to used openly |
However the concept is essential and roughly right -- one or more such open technologies will become available and used on the Web |
For instance as part of my New York State Industrial HPCC outreach program InfoMall, I found that a major manufacturer of large consumer machines had no interest in MPP's for simulating them to improve design |
However very interested in
Here Perl manipulates text from database to HTML |
Java enables down-loaded simulations |
VRML enables universal definition of 3D objects -- products and buildings |
VRML illustrates how one can store real world objects in a universal fashion |
Game vendors can build modules that interact and enable development of amazing profitable virtual worlds! |
Manufacturers can use VRML as basis of universal product definitions enabling collaborations between several vendors needed for Multidisciplinary analysis and design cf: PDES/STEP standards |
The Web "levels" the playing field for all software products
For instance VRML allows new powerful versions of Geographical Information Systems |
We can use Web technologies to develop new very important tools for education enabling
We can teach these new technologies as world hungry for people understanding these technologies
Web allows one to harness standard relational databases for powerful search of structured information -- Usenet databases, Electronic Mail, Manufacturing Data etc. |
Parallel Computing is quite well understood but we can NOT implement capabilities we researched as field too small to support viable systems software industry
The Web allows one to implement HPCC in terms of a sustainable industry base
One of the neatest ideas is WebFlow which is the Web implementation of dataflow which is seen in
With Web we can integrate computing and information processing giving a wonderful software engineering environment with for instance
In the longer term, we can see parallel concepts of