Basic HTML version of Foils prepared October 16 98

Foil 37 JGF Proposed FP Execution Modes

From Integration of Scientific and Technical Computing with Enterprise Information Systems RCI North American Annual Member Executive Conference October 13-15 98 -- October 15 98. by Geoffrey C. Fox

Language Chip Architecture
Modifier x86 PowerPC SPARC
strictfp Java 1.0 (no double Java 1.0 Java 1.0
rounding on underflow) (no fused mac)
default i.e. larger exponent range fused mac can Java 1.0
no modifier allowed be used
associativefp many optimizations allowed on all platforms
Current default is essentially strictfp although not always implemented precisely
mac is fused hardware multiply-add (a*b+c)
strictfp is a little more than 2 times slower than default on INTEL x86 for a vector dot product

© Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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