HELP! * PURPLE=global GREY=local Global HTML version of Foils prepared June 15,95

Foil 34 WebWork -- Integrating Publication and Computation

From REU Presentation -- An Overview of NPAC REU Seminar -- June 8,95. by Geoffrey C. Fox * See also color IMAGE

The technological foundation of this integration is a CGI-extended Web server that combines quality electronic hypermedia publishing with HPCC computation.
WebWork constructs that implement it are: WWVM discussed above, VSL (Virtual Software Laboratory) and HPFCL (HPF Coordination Language).
WWVM is like a complete software environment, including hardware (Web+CGI servers), software (locally published modules) and documentation (conventional Web pages).
VSL is a collection of Web CASE Tools to prototype WWVM components such as: standardized software publication interfaces; Perl5 class editors and browsers; and HPFCL language bindings.
HPFCL allows to specify and run complete applications on the WWVM. We discuss HPFCL and its WebHPL extensions later on. But first we describe our first simple WWVM pilot project -- how to break security of Bank of England...

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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