Videoconferencing (Communique with Digital Video Everywhere environment)
Application of volume visualization methods integrated with medical collaboratory system (David Warner, Nason Fellow in "Interventional Informatics")
Virtual reality and its integration with WWW (VRML, WebSpace,...); real-time communication between people in the VR; visualizing people and their behavior
Patient Record Database
full version of the preliminary short version patient record
adding confidentiality and security
adding a large number of multimedia records and testing with help of physicians
improving remote-access storage and retrieval
Image Visualization, Image Processing, 3D reconstruction
application of implemented marching cube algorithm fore 3D reconstruction of serial sections (existing sections from Visible Human project)
implementation and development VR-based fly-throughs of reconstructed images
estimation of cell densities, cell shape and types (pattern recognition)
Utilization of ongoing medicine activities on NYNET
ATM and ISDN available in NPAC, RL and SUNY HSC