HELP! * BLUE=global GREY=local Global HTML version of Foils prepared October 17,1995

Foil 63 T2: Compression -- Motivation/Overview

From Collaborative and Interactive Visualization Project Overview Kickoff Meeting at NPAC -- October 17,1995. by Geoffrey C. Fox * See also color IMAGE

Supports the transport of large images and animation (video) with high resolution
Eliminates redundant or less critical information
  • Spatial redundancy: values of neighboring pixels are strongly correlated
  • Spectral redundancy: the spectral values for the same pixel location are correlated
  • Temporal redundancy: frames show very little change in the sequence
Decreases the time and cost of transmission and storage requirements
Investigation of several image compression technologies
  • JPEG - leading standard, JBIG, Fractal, Wavelet - most promising
Power of wavelet-based methods - high quality, fast encoding / decoding, solid mathematical background
Wavelet compression is represented by the weighted sum of basis functions together with quantization and coding

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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