Image Buttons HELP! * BLUE=global GREY=local Global IMAGE version of Foils prepared October 17,1995

Foil 96 Figure 8: Java demo (NPAC) -- WebFlow application prototype: Project Manager

From Collaborative and Interactive Visualization Project Overview Kickoff Meeting at NPAC -- October 17,1995. by Geoffrey C. Fox * HTML Version

A front-end for the software project manager tool.
Three types of modules are supported:
  • a) developers,
  • b) software agent,
  • c) project manager.
Developer modules are linked to the agent module and report automatically all changes in the software volume (handled by WebTools CASE toolkit integrated with WebTools editor).
The agent module integrates the results and uses customizable threshold to decide when to fire a report to the manager or a deadline reminder to a developer.

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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