HELP! * Title and abstract for

Rome Laboratory-NPAC-Vanguard Collaborative and Interactive Visualization -- Project Overview

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at Kickoff Meeting at NPAC on October 17,1995. Foils prepared October 17,1995
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Develop Technologies and demonstrate a set of four applications enhanced by use of innovative Collaborative Interaction and Visualization.
Point the way to Paradigm shifts in
  • Approach to DoD software development built on open reuseable interfaces and standards as opposed to large reuseable codes
  • HPCC supported collaboration exhibited in medical and command and control
i.e. Paradigm shift in both applications and software development for the applications
  • New Software Engineering Methodology linking programming and Web-based Information Systems and Productivity Tools
Demonstrate Applications and Approach in JWID and/or similar activities

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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