Basic HTML version of Foils prepared September 13 98

Foil 20 What Particular Programs could run in Gateway Tier I?

From Seamless Interfaces, Multi-Tier Gateway Systems, Comments on Sandia DRM Design Analysis of ASCI DRM Design -- August 98. by Geoffrey C. Fox, Wojtek Furmanski

1 The 90% of users who only need HPCC occasionally
2 Any commodity applications such as modern enterprise information systems
3 The collection of (Java) servers using commodity protocols -- including IIOP HTTP etc. -- and providing key services not necessarily requiring high performance (MPP's available in backend tier if high performance, large storage etc. needed)
4 Most of a Command and Control Application which would then interface to backend computational service (e.g. to simulate crisis as in Los Alamos Delphi project)
5 Several FMS (Forces Modeling) and IMT (Integrated Modeling and Testing) DoD Applications i.e. DMSO style distributed simulation
6 Some I/O Intensive applications

in Table To:

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