Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 4 Feb 98

Foil 28 mSQl jdbc driver for mSQl database

From Overview of JDBC and its use with CORBA or Java RMI CPS616 Technologies of Information Age -- Spring 1998. by Nancy McCracken(Sangetta Aggarwal, Udayan Parvate, Tom Pulikal)

1 a lightweight SQL engine that supports a subset of ANSI SQL
2 For the mSQL implementation of JDBC, it looks for URL's in the form of
  • jdbc:msql://[host_addr]:[port]/[db_name]
3 This is a Native-protocol all-Java driver.
  • In the implementation of the Driver interface for this driver a direct socket connection is opened at the given host_addr and at the specified port. On success a Connection object is returned. Thus with this driver , a mSQL database on any machine can be accessed by any application running on any other machine provided that they are connected over the internet.
4 Shareware product that can be built on most Unix OS and Win32 OS
5 - one of the first database products to be supported by a Java API
6 - avialable from anonymous ftp
7 - More information at

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