Basic HTML version of Foils prepared September 13 98

Foil 18 4 Approaches to Authoring of Back End Resource I

From Web Based Education and Training -- Lets Go for It! Dynamics of the Networked Academy Mississippi State Univ. -- September 9-11 1998. by Geoffrey C. Fox

1 In order of increasing sophistication; cost; preparation time and presumably also in increasing learning value
2 "Low-end" typified by simple HTML and PowerPoint. Of course hand written notes and postscript are even less sophisticated but these are getting less important.
3 "Enhanced Low-end" typified by audio or video over web pages. Not clear how editing is possible/desirable
  • This can be viewed as a pragmatic way of capturing details from the busy lecturer who does not have the time to carefully prepare a more sophisticated resource.

in Table To:

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