Basic HTML version of Foils prepared September 13 98

Foil 56 Some Tango Futures

From Web Based Education and Training -- Lets Go for It! Dynamics of the Networked Academy Mississippi State Univ. -- September 9-11 1998. by Geoffrey C. Fox

1 We intend enhancements to some applications -- such as full annotation (on the Java Whiteboard) with database access and archiving in WebWisdomNT
2 We will evaluate Internet Explorer version (prototype available), Macintosh and AIX support
3 Archive audio-video conferencing, text chat etc.
4 Looking into a built in window manager, more automatic support for mirror (content) servers
5 Link Tango user module with administrative (class) database -- link Tango and conventional mail
6 Lots of interesting assessment opportunities
7 Could build Collaboratory tools -- scientific visualization will be supported but also could do debuggers, performance visualizers etc.
8 EOT PACI has identified NCSA Biology Workbench, BU Biology database, and for K-12 Belvedere annotation system

in Table To:

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