Basic HTML version of Foils prepared September 13 98

Foil 9 NPAC Education Curricula and Distance Delivery Activities

From Web Based Education and Training -- Lets Go for It! Dynamics of the Networked Academy Mississippi State Univ. -- September 9-11 1998. by Geoffrey C. Fox

Can offer "Certificates in Internetics or Computational Science" (Total of 4-6 or 1-2 semester classes respectively)
Can offer internally Web and Java classes for K-12 level
All these courses are in form suitable for synchronous/asynchronous delivery
Taught two semesters from Syracuse over Internet a Senior Undergraduate Class in Java for web applications at Jackson State Mississippi using Tango collaboration system
This fall combining with local CDROM to teach computational science at Jackson using full asynchronous and synchronous support
Tentative Collaboration with Peking University to set up ICWU or "International Collaborative Web University" with initial focus on teaching Internetics

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