Basic HTML version of Foils prepared Sept 30 98

Foil 20 HPcc: High Performance commodity computing for the IPG: Information Power Grid

From A Coarse Grain Performance Estimator -- PetaSIM and a Hybrid Distributed Object Model for the IPG NASA Workshop on Performance Engineered Information Systems -- Sept 28-29 98. by Geoffrey C. Fox, Yuhong Wen, Wojtek Furmanski, Tom Haupt

1 Adopt multi-tier enterprise computing model
  • Client --> Middle Tier Server ---> Backend high performance system
2 Use Commodity Software Model as basic distributed computing infrastructure in middle tier
3 Use Pragmatic Object Web(POW) as the abstraction of today's commodity distributed object software infrastructure
4 Middle tier uses high functionality protocols such as Web HTTP, CORBA IIOP, Java RMI etc. with MPI (Nexus or Globus) as optimized "machine code" at backend
5 So we have a natural hierarchical model with perhaps an SP2 seen as a single POW distributed object in middleware and 128 nodes at backend
6 Nodes in a Cluster host JWORB server when seen at middle tier and this controls the MPI process view at backend
7 Note logical progression below which is opposite to some other approaches

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