Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 10 January 98

Foil 88 What Limits Performance of Compiled Java?

From General NPAC Foils-98A starting January 98 (PowerPoint) NIMA HQ Fairfax Virginia -- January 12 98. by Geoffrey C. Fox

Syracuse and Las Vegas Workshops saw no serious problem to High Performance Java on sequential or Shared Memory Machines
Some restrictions are needed in programming model
  • Cynic says write in Fortran with Curly Brackets but more seriously restrictions requires programming discipline but still exploit key advantages of Java
For instance, Avoid Complicated Exception handlers in areas compilers need to optimize!
Should be able to get comparable performance on compiled Java C and Fortran starting with either Java Language or JavaVM bytecodes
The Interpreted (Applet) JavaVM mode would always be slower than compiled Java/C/Fortran -- perhaps by a factor of two with best technology

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