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HPcc High Performance Computing and Communications based on Commodity Technologies

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at NIMA HQ Fairfax Virginia on January 12 98. Foils prepared 10 January 98

We discuss role of commodity (Web) technologies in future high performance computing environments
We describe how a network of Web/CORBA/COM servers architecture can naturally support both parallel and distributed computing while
We describe applications to both metacomputing, and parallel computing
We suggest critical importance of CORBA and component based software in HPCC -- Javabeans seem very important
We describe role of collaboration technology in linking computers with people
We describe use of Java as a general coding language for scientific and engineering computation
This approach unifies distributed event driven simulations with classic massively parallel time stepped computations

This mixed presentation uses parts of the following base foilsets which can also be looked at on their own!
GeneralFoils98A             General NPAC Foils-98A starting January 98
GEMOct97Master              Master Set of Foils for GEM Computational 
                             Science Presentation
GeneralFoils97              Variety of Foils Used Starting January 97
GeneralFoils97B             General NPAC Foils-B starting 
CompGridSept97              Commodity(Web) Technologies in the service
                              of Computational Grids
NPACScreenDumps97           Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC 
                             Projects  January 97-
GeneralResFoils96           Miscellaneous Presentation Material used 
                             in 1996
NPACScreenDumps98           Collection of Images for General NPAC 
                             Projects  January 98-
ScivisOverviewSept97        Scivis Java Visualization System
UCCJavaBeansAug97           JavaBeans CORBA ComponentWare
DoE2000JavaBeans            JavaBeans and Visual HPCC ComponentWare
DMSOHLAOverviewforARLDec97  Overview of HLA and RTI DMSO Standards
TangoApplicationsFeb97MasterMaster for TANGO Applications -- C2, 
                             Education, HealthCare, Simulation
DaytonJune97Master          Master Set of Foils for Two Talks at 
                             Dayton (Multidisciplinary Applications, 
                             Tango Collaboratory)
PPTPennStateMaster          Master Presentation on Java for Simulation
                              and Education
JavaforCSEFall96M           Master Set of Presentations on Java for 
                             Computational Science 
NPACScreenDumps96           Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC 
                             Projects April96-
JavaforComputingIntro97     Introduction to Java to be used in 
                             (Scientific) Computing
JavaFrameWorksJune97        Possible Java Frameworks for Computing

Table of Contents for HPcc High Performance Computing and Communications based on Commodity Technologies

             GeneralFoils98A 008 001 HPcc High Performance Computing 
                                     based on Commodity Technologies  
                                     January 12,98 NIMA HQ
             GeneralFoils98A 009 002 Abstract of Commodity  
                                     Technologies in HPCC

What is NPAC in a Nutshell
             GeneralFoils98A 010 003 People and Infrastructure in NPAC
             GeneralFoils98A 011 004 Nature of NPAC Programs

HPCC in a Snapshot
              GEMOct97Master 003 005 Some International HPCC 
              GeneralFoils97 054 006 Some Concepts Learnt from HPCC 
              GEMOct97Master 005 007 New Initiatives of Current HPCC
             GeneralFoils97B 106 008 Some More Detailed Trends in HPCC

Commodity Technologies
             GeneralFoils97B 031 009 The Computing Pyramid
             GeneralFoils97B 105 010 Pragmatic Object Web Technology 
              CompGridSept97 012 011 A Web-based 3-Tier Computing 
             GeneralFoils97B 008 012 High Functionality Software Layer
           NPACScreenDumps97 183 013 Architecture of HPcc Commidity 
                                     Technology High Performance 
                                     Computing System
             GeneralFoils97B 113 014 Three Roles of Object Web 
                                     Technologies in Computing
             GeneralFoils97B 073 015 Glossary of Terms VI
             GeneralFoils97B 110 016 Computational Grid and the Object
             GeneralFoils97B 107 017 Object Web Software is the Best
           GeneralResFoils96 043 018 Synergy of InterNet and IntraNets
             GeneralFoils97B 033 019 Structure(Architecture) of 
                                     Applications - I
             GeneralFoils97B 034 020 Structure(Architecture) of 
                                     Applications - II

MetaComputing with the Object web
             GeneralFoils97B 058 021 Metacomputing with Web 
             GeneralFoils97B 037 022 One Strategy for a Object 
                                     Web-based Metacomputing
              CompGridSept97 013 023 Web-Server based Metacomputer 
                                     Capabilities at 3 levels
             GeneralFoils97B 038 024 General Object Web based Middle 
                                     Tier Server Architecture
           NPACScreenDumps97 208 025 WebFlow Globus and FrontEnd 
                                     (DARP,SciVis) Architecture II
           NPACScreenDumps97 202 026 Planned Architecture of DARP User
                                      Level Debugging and Rapid 
                                     Prototyping System

A Strategy for High Performance Messaging
              CompGridSept97 016 027 Proposed Approach to High 
                                     Performance Messaging
              CompGridSept97 017 028 Three Possible Implementations of
                                      CFD CSM Linkage
              CompGridSept97 018 029 Picture of JavaBean and JDK1.1 
                                     AWT Event Model

Overview of applications of this Approach
             GeneralFoils97B 040 030 Some Capabilities of the Object 
                                     Web (Server) Architecture for 

              CompGridSept97 022 031 Example of WebFlow = AVS/Khoros 
                                     using Web
              CompGridSept97 023 032 WebFlow: Image Processing
           NPACScreenDumps97 208 033 WebFlow Globus and FrontEnd 
                                     (DARP,SciVis) Architecture II
           NPACScreenDumps97 213 034 Use of HSV filter in WebFlow
           NPACScreenDumps97 214 035 Use of Flip Filter in WebFlow
           NPACScreenDumps97 215 036 Use of Wave Filter in WebFlow
           NPACScreenDumps98 002 037 Architecture of WebFlow linked to

Interpreted Front Ends
              CompGridSept97 021 038 Web Architecture Supports 
                                     Interpreted Environments
           NPACScreenDumps97 225 039 Code WebFlow and Image Processing
                                      Parameters for Spatial Filter 
                                     from SciVis in WebFlow from DARP 
           NPACScreenDumps97 227 040 Code WebFlow and Image Processing
                                      Parameters and SciVis Output 
                                     from DARP I
        ScivisOverviewSept97 012 041 PPT Slide
           NPACScreenDumps97 202 042 Planned Architecture of DARP User
                                      Level Debugging and Rapid 
                                     Prototyping System

HPCC ComponentWare
             GeneralFoils97B 068 043 Glossary of Terms II
             GeneralFoils97B 071 044 Glossary of Terms IV
              CompGridSept97 024 045 Component Based Programming 
           UCCJavaBeansAug97 006 046 What are JavaBeans I
           UCCJavaBeansAug97 007 047 What are JavaBeans II
             GeneralFoils97B 045 048 What is a Module?
            DoE2000JavaBeans 007 049 3 by 3 Diagram of Programming 
                                     Environments versus System 
                                     Complexity from PC to HPCC
             GeneralFoils97B 052 050 HPCC ComponentWare: Essential 

             GeneralFoils97B 069 051 Pure CORBA Architecture for a 
                                     distributed Information System 
                                     (There are similar COM and 
                                     Javabean /RMI Versions)
             GeneralFoils97B 061 052 CORBA Software Model
             GeneralFoils97B 074 053 A Parallel Computer Viewed as a 
                                     Single CORBA Object
             GeneralFoils97B 075 054 Each Node of a Parallel Computer 
                                     viewed as a Separate CORBA Object
           NPACScreenDumps97 191 055 Fig. 13: Each node of a parallel 
                                     computer instantiated as a Corba 
             GeneralFoils97B 076 056 A Message or Protocol 
                                     Optimization Bridge
           NPACScreenDumps97 187 057 Fig 15: A message optimization 

Integration of Distributed Simulation with Object Web Based HPCC
              CompGridSept97 026 058 Integration of DIS with Object 
                                     Web Based Computing
              CompGridSept97 027 059 Technology Convergence Roadmap - 
                                     Overview for Forces Modeling, 
                                     Integrated Modeling and Testing 
                                     for DoD
  DMSOHLAOverviewforARLDec97 002 060 DoD M&S Strategy: An Analogy to 
                                     City Planning
  DMSOHLAOverviewforARLDec97 003 061 How Did We Get Here?
  DMSOHLAOverviewforARLDec97 005 062 Some Terminology
  DMSOHLAOverviewforARLDec97 006 063 Some More Terminology
  DMSOHLAOverviewforARLDec97 007 064 HLA Comprises Three Components:  
                                      Rules, Runtime Infrastructure, 
  DMSOHLAOverviewforARLDec97 008 065 A Federation Must Play by the 
  DMSOHLAOverviewforARLDec97 009 066 Each Federate Must Play By the 
  DMSOHLAOverviewforARLDec97 011 067 OMT Components
  DMSOHLAOverviewforARLDec97 012 068 Object Class Structure Table 
  DMSOHLAOverviewforARLDec97 013 069 Object Interaction Table (Roughly
                                      Methods in CORBA)
  DMSOHLAOverviewforARLDec97 015 070 Architecture Splits  Functions 
                                     Between  Simulations and Runtime 

Integration of Collaboration with Object Web Based HPCC
             GeneralFoils97B 059 071 Tango Collaboration System
           NPACScreenDumps97 076 072 Tango Screen: Talking Heads and 
                                     White Board
TangoApplicationsFeb97Master 005 073 Typical Web Collaboration 
TangoApplicationsFeb97Master 006 074 The TANGOsim C2 Application
           NPACScreenDumps97 006 075 Command and Control Screen with 
                                     Multimedia Message
           NPACScreenDumps97 035 076 A demo of animated objects 
                                     controlled by simulation engine 
                                     of Tango collaborative system - 

Tango/WebFlow and Multidisciplinary Applications
          DaytonJune97Master 020 077 TANGO Structure of 
                                     Multidisciplinary Applications
          DaytonJune97Master 021 078 Minimal Web based 
                                     Multidisciplinary Application
          DaytonJune97Master 022 079 Comparison of 
                                     Communication/Linkage Models

Java in Scientific and Engineerng Computation
          PPTPennStateMaster 015 080 Java as the Language for 
                                     Computational Kernels!
           JavaforCSEFall96M 006 081 Some Critical Features of Java as
                                      a Programming Language
           JavaforCSEFall96M 007 082 Comparison of Java and Fortran 
          PPTPennStateMaster 009 083 Java Links the Bottom and Top of 

Performance of Java
           JavaforCSEFall96M 008 084 Isn't the Web hardware and 
                                     software too slow to be 
                                     interesting for HPCC? -Java- I
           NPACScreenDumps96 066 085 Performance of Java is Dreadful!
           NPACScreenDumps96 085 086 LinPack Java Performance Updated 
                                     to Sept 30 1996
           NPACScreenDumps97 103 087 LinPack Java Performance Updated 
                                     to June 3 1997
     JavaforComputingIntro97 031 088 What Limits Performance of 
                                     Compiled Java?
           JavaforCSEFall96M 010 089 Isn't the Web hardware and 
                                     software too slow to be 
                                     interesting for HPCC? -Java- III

Approaches to Parallel Java
           JavaforCSEFall96M 003 090 Classes of Simulations and their 
                                     High Performance Needs
     JavaforComputingIntro97 032 091 Java and Parallelism?
     JavaforComputingIntro97 033 092 "Pure" Java Model For Parallelism
        JavaFrameWorksJune97 009 093 Mechanisms for Data Parallelism 
                                     in HPJava

List of Foils Used as they occur

GeneralFoils98A             General NPAC Foils-98A starting January 98
8 9 10 11
GEMOct97Master              Master Set of Foils for GEM Computational 
                             Science Presentation
3 5
GeneralFoils97              Variety of Foils Used Starting January 97
GeneralFoils97B             General NPAC Foils-B starting 
106 31 105 8 113 73 110 107 33 34 58 37 38 40 68 71 45 52 69 61 74 75 76 59
CompGridSept97              Commodity(Web) Technologies in the service
                              of Computational Grids
12 13 16 17 18 22 23 21 24 26 27
NPACScreenDumps97           Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC 
                             Projects  January 97-
183 208 202 208 213 214 215 225 227 202 191 187 76 6 35 103
GeneralResFoils96           Miscellaneous Presentation Material used 
                             in 1996
NPACScreenDumps98           Collection of Images for General NPAC 
                             Projects  January 98-
ScivisOverviewSept97        Scivis Java Visualization System
UCCJavaBeansAug97           JavaBeans CORBA ComponentWare
6 7
DoE2000JavaBeans            JavaBeans and Visual HPCC ComponentWare
DMSOHLAOverviewforARLDec97  Overview of HLA and RTI DMSO Standards
2 3 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 15
TangoApplicationsFeb97MasterMaster for TANGO Applications -- C2, 
                             Education, HealthCare, Simulation
5 6
DaytonJune97Master          Master Set of Foils for Two Talks at 
                             Dayton (Multidisciplinary Applications, 
                             Tango Collaboratory)
20 21 22
PPTPennStateMaster          Master Presentation on Java for Simulation
                              and Education
15 9
JavaforCSEFall96M           Master Set of Presentations on Java for 
                             Computational Science 
6 7 8 10 3
NPACScreenDumps96           Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC 
                             Projects April96-
66 85
JavaforComputingIntro97     Introduction to Java to be used in 
                             (Scientific) Computing
31 32 33
JavaFrameWorksJune97        Possible Java Frameworks for Computing

Sorted List of Foils Used

GeneralFoils98A             General NPAC Foils-98A starting January 98
8 9 10 11
GEMOct97Master              Master Set of Foils for GEM Computational 
                             Science Presentation
3 5
GeneralFoils97              Variety of Foils Used Starting January 97
GeneralFoils97B             General NPAC Foils-B starting 
8 31 33 34 37 38 40 45 52 58 59 61 68 69 71 73 74 75 76 105 106 107 110 113
CompGridSept97              Commodity(Web) Technologies in the service
                              of Computational Grids
12 13 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 26 27
NPACScreenDumps97           Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC 
                             Projects  January 97-
6 35 76 103 183 187 191 202 202 208 208 213 214 215 225 227
GeneralResFoils96           Miscellaneous Presentation Material used 
                             in 1996
NPACScreenDumps98           Collection of Images for General NPAC 
                             Projects  January 98-
ScivisOverviewSept97        Scivis Java Visualization System
UCCJavaBeansAug97           JavaBeans CORBA ComponentWare
6 7
DoE2000JavaBeans            JavaBeans and Visual HPCC ComponentWare
DMSOHLAOverviewforARLDec97  Overview of HLA and RTI DMSO Standards
2 3 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 15
TangoApplicationsFeb97MasterMaster for TANGO Applications -- C2, 
                             Education, HealthCare, Simulation
5 6
DaytonJune97Master          Master Set of Foils for Two Talks at 
                             Dayton (Multidisciplinary Applications, 
                             Tango Collaboratory)
20 21 22
PPTPennStateMaster          Master Presentation on Java for Simulation
                              and Education
9 15
JavaforCSEFall96M           Master Set of Presentations on Java for 
                             Computational Science 
3 6 7 8 10
NPACScreenDumps96           Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC 
                             Projects April96-
66 85
JavaforComputingIntro97     Introduction to Java to be used in 
                             (Scientific) Computing
31 32 33
JavaFrameWorksJune97        Possible Java Frameworks for Computing

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