HELP! * GREY=local LOCAL HTML version of Foils prepared 23 January 96

Foil 4 Some (New) Web Technologies in a Nutshell - II

From Possible Roles of new Web technologies in the NHSE NHSE Review -- 25 January 96. by Geoffrey C. Fox * See also color IMAGE

PERL is a relatively old technology which is being overtaken by Java tidal wave. Still PERL has much better Systems and Document handling capability than Java
  • traditional choice for server CGI extensions
  • Perl5 is object oriented but much less elegant (in my opinion) than Java
  • Perl5 has very useful multidimensional associative and regular arrays
The Web provides a convenient integration environment for "mature" technologies migrating from existing computer environments.
Relational databases are a good example where it is now straightforward in Oracle, DB2, Sybase etc. to provide a Web Interface which can be used by programs ( with say HPF also integrated with Web) or Users (Forms based Interfaces
Object databases such as Illustra also interfaced to web

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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