This presentation updates a talk in April 95 and focusses on the opportunities for new jobs and new activities -- note previous version 2 years ago focussed on merging of TV and Web and our Living SchoolBook project. |
We describe some of the impacts of the current computer and communication revolution on play, lifestyle, jobs and education |
The new job opportunities include those in journalism and medical fields |
NIIforKids97Master Master Set of Foils for Description of Why Kids Should Care about the Web NPACScreenDumps97 Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC Projects January 97- NPACScreenDumps96 Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC Projects April96- PulsarProjectMar97 NeatTools and Pulsar -- Expressional Interfaces MillsScreenDumps Kim Mills Collection of GIF Images for NPAC Projects 96- CPS616DBforVRML96 CPS616 VRML and Use of Databases as backend and Application to GIS NPACAddons Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC Projects 1995-March96
NIIforKids97Master 001 001 The World Wide Web will Deliver All the Information and Run all the Computers in the World What does this mean for children? NIIforKids97Master 002 002 Abstract of Kids and the NII Presentation NIIforKids97Master 003 003 What is the World Wide Web? NPACScreenDumps97 018 004 Internet Trends - Internet Hosts 1989-1997 NPACScreenDumps97 019 005 Internet Trends - Internet Hosts - Overall Trend NIIforKids97Master 004 006 Components of a Web system Pictorially NIIforKids97Master 005 007 Basic Structure of World Wide Web NIIforKids97Master 006 008 Synergy of Kids and Adults or InterNet and IntraNets NIIforKids97Master 007 009 Why is Web Computer Revolution so Important? NIIforKids97Master 009 010 What does a Computer Do? NIIforKids97Master 010 011 What is Web Technology? NIIforKids97Master 018 012 Models for Using the World Wide Web NIIforKids97Master 019 013 What can you do on the World Wide Web? NIIforKids97Master 012 014 Impact of this Changing Technology on Kids NIIforKids97Master 013 015 What is so important about Digital ? NIIforKids97Master 014 016 The Next Generation Home Computers include Settop Boxes and Videogame Controllers NIIforKids97Master 020 017 What about Pornography and Viruses on the Web? NIIforKids97Master 015 018 Some of the Jobs that will Need NII(Internet, World Wide Web) Skills NIIforKids97Master 016 019 Why is a Particular Job impacted by the World Wide Web? NPACScreenDumps96 078 020 The NPAC CareWeb Project Home Page NPACScreenDumps97 011 021 Web Course Virtual Programming Laboratory -- Student NPACScreenDumps96 019 022 Xin Wan Bao reports ICPSEP, the "classroom across countries" between NPAC at Syracuse University, USA, and PACT at Harbin Institute of Technology, China NPACScreenDumps96 070 023 Internet Certificate in Computational Science for Weigang Li NPACScreenDumps96 059 024 Eyal Sherman -- Using Neattools PulsarProjectMar97 011 025 Pac Man Session MillsScreenDumps 030 026 Visible Human NPACScreenDumps96 024 027 The Java Magic Cube from Michael Chang NPACScreenDumps96 159 028 Java front end to display weather information over the Syracuse region-I NPACScreenDumps96 155 029 Current weather data, using the NPAC java weather viewer - II NIIforKids97Master 017 030 So What should you do? NIIforKids97Master 021 031 What will be Key New Developments? Near Term NPACScreenDumps96 103 032 TANGO Collaborative System Control Panel and 3 Applications -- User 1 NPACScreenDumps96 023 033 VRML Tutorial from Alvin Leung/Meryem Ispirli -- a Car!! CPS616DBforVRML96 014 034 Example III - Group Nodes NPACScreenDumps96 169 035 Visible Human Head shown from various Angles - VI NPACScreenDumps96 151 036 GIS integration with Weather Simulation application - II. NPACAddons 112 037 VRML Terrain Renerer with Herkimer House Web Page NPACAddons 079 038 Link between Interactive Journey and classroom multimedia projects NPACScreenDumps96 133 039 Netscape shows the close caption text associated with the movie. NIIforKids97Master 022 040 In the Far Future we have a "New World"
NIIforKids97Master Master Set of Foils for Description of Why Kids Should Care about the Web1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 18 19 12 13 14 20 15 16 17 21 22
NPACScreenDumps97 Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC Projects January 97-18 19 11
NPACScreenDumps96 Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC Projects April96-78 19 70 59 24 159 155 103 23 169 151 133
PulsarProjectMar97 NeatTools and Pulsar -- Expressional Interfaces11
MillsScreenDumps Kim Mills Collection of GIF Images for NPAC Projects 96-30
CPS616DBforVRML96 CPS616 VRML and Use of Databases as backend and Application to GIS14
NPACAddons Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC Projects 1995-March96112 79
NIIforKids97Master Master Set of Foils for Description of Why Kids Should Care about the Web1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
NPACScreenDumps97 Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC Projects January 97-11 18 19
NPACScreenDumps96 Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC Projects April96-19 23 24 59 70 78 103 133 151 155 159 169
PulsarProjectMar97 NeatTools and Pulsar -- Expressional Interfaces11
MillsScreenDumps Kim Mills Collection of GIF Images for NPAC Projects 96-30
CPS616DBforVRML96 CPS616 VRML and Use of Databases as backend and Application to GIS14
NPACAddons Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC Projects 1995-March9679 112