Image Buttons HELP! * GREY=local LOCAL IMAGE version of Foils prepared Feb 22 1996

Foil 48 Comparison of HotJava and Mosaic/Netscape

From Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC Projects 1995-March96 General NPAC Foilsets -- 1995-1996. by Geoffrey C. Fox * HTML Version

Refined from last bullet of previous foil July 28,95
There are two main distinctions between the HotJava browser and other browsers such as Mosaic or Netscape. In the HotJava case a bulk of execution takes place at the client side as the transmitted code is linked with the HotJava runtime and started as Java threads. Standard browsers on the other hand are only involved in presenting the received information, and all other computation is to be performed by servers. Secondly, the Java ability to transmit executable code allows a HotJava browser to acquire any information from a server, not being aware of the information type or structure. The necessary tools for presenting this information will be transferred from a server and installed, and executed by the HotJava client.

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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