see NASA's 4 dimensional Data Assimilation Grand Challenge for more details of Makivic analysis of HPF for this application
Major goal of the Four-Dimensional Data Assimilation project is to ensure smooth transition of NASA Data Assimilation Office operations to future scalable HPC platforms.
This involves:
An examination of the potential for parallelization and scalability of operational algorithms at DAO,
An examination of the potential for parallelization and scalability of candidate future algorithms at DAO, and
Porting and benchmarking of existing codes on testbed parallel architectures.
At NPAC, these tasks were associated with the following components of the complete assimilation system:
Operational Mini-Volume Optimal Interpolation Analysis (OI)
Advection Algorithms for transport and GCM (Eulerian and Semi-Lagrangian)
Major conclusion: HPF is one of the most relevant technologies for future computing needs at DAO
DAO is developing a new assimilation system, Physical Space Analysis System (PSAS). NPAC will collaborate with DAO on developing HPF implementation of the production PSAS software.