see NASA's 4 dimensional Data Assimilation Grand Challenge for more details of Makivic analysis of HPF for this application
Forecast model and observational data are combined to produce a minimum error representation of the state of the atmosphere
The goal of the analysis is to find a set of weights for each observation which will determine the contribution of that observation to the correction of model estimate at every grid point
The formal solution can be expressed as a linear problem defined by the correlation matrix of observational error data
Given that presently there are 150000 observations per assimilation cycle, one must resort to approximations
Mini-Volume approximation technique scans for observations in a 1500 km radius arond a cluster of gridpoints. Effectively, a large linear problem is approximated by a large number of small linear problems for each mini-volume
Before the covariance matrices are constructed observations are processed to eliminate and/or correct erroneous data (gross check and buddy check)
Solution of mini-volume linear systems is a task parallel computation
Everything else involves manipulations of large observational data, model data and mini-volume data arrays and can be efficiently expressed using HPF syntax