HELP! * GREY=local LOCAL HTML version of Foils prepared 18 March 1996

Foil 15 Current Progress with ARPS

From Collaborative and Interactive Visualization Project Second Quaterly Review Review Meeting at NPAC -- 18 March 1996. by Geoffrey C. Fox * See also color IMAGE

Attempting to meet with the code developers to discuss change to the code to handle local weather phenomena.
  • Attempting to schedule meeting in late March-April time-frame.
  • Developers will help us with input parameters (there are over 150 parameters)
ARPS can be initialized with a horizontally homogenous initial state or a three-dimensionally varying analysis.
  • Horizontally homogenous data does not vary in the computational domain on the two surface.
  • Three-dimensionally varying data varies in the N,S,E,W and vertical directions.
NPAC is looking for sources of local weather data.
  • In contact with Rome Labs meteorologist Bob Farrell
    • Conducted meeting at NPAC in early February.
    • Farrell said he would try to help us with the determination of lake effect snow from the output of the code.
    • He will also try to get in contact with ARPS personnel to help us run the code.

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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