HELP! * GREY=local LOCAL HTML version of Foils prepared 18 March 1996

Foil 18 A2: Future ARPS Plans

From Collaborative and Interactive Visualization Project Second Quaterly Review Review Meeting at NPAC -- 18 March 1996. by Geoffrey C. Fox * See also color IMAGE

Go to Oklahoma to set up input parameters for the Syracuse region.
Run the three steps to get lake effect snow for the date of February 14, 1996.
Look at one of the fundamental variables, the moisture.
  • When we see a band of large values, we will identify this as lake effect snow.
    • We need to learn the meaning of "large".
    • We will probably try to incorporate some edge detection software to determine these bands.
  • Once this is accomplished, we will output the moisture variable in a separate file.
    • We will then put isosurfaces around the high band regions, and output this into SGI's Explorer.
    • In Explorer, we will enhance the quality of the isosurface, and output the graphics into VRML.
  • VRML output will then be placed onto the terrain data set. (Unknown problems will be encountered!)

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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