HELP! * GREY=local LOCAL HTML version of Foils prepared 31 January 1996
Foil 68 A1:Dynamic EM Modeling Approach
From Master Foilset for Collaborative and Interactive Visualization Project First Review Review Meeting at Rome Laboratory -- 31 January 1996. byGeoffrey C. Fox * See also color IMAGE
Use GEMACS to model complex scattering geometry against surveillance radars
Employ high frequency, geometric theory of diffraction, method of moments, etc. methods to compute full 3-dimensional static RCS(radar crosssection) pattern
Use radar range equation (mono- or bistatic) to dynamically compute surveillance radar detections
Fly target according to flight plan, include terrain masking and surveillance radar geometries (can also include stochastic radar noise/clutter model)
Obtain RCS on the fly using above method
Forward detection reports to C2 "situation assessment and display" functions
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