This Presentation summarizes the current status of the Rome Laboratory funded Collaborative Interaction and Visualization Project performed by NPAC and Vanguard
This uses 5 component technologies (VR, Network Support, Compression, Video Conferencing, GIS, Multimedia Databases) with Web based Integration
These are used with SGI based large screen stereo displays in 4 applications (Electromagnetic and Weather Simulation, Command and Control, Medical Information Systems and Telemedicine)
This is second presentation of project which statrted in September 1995.
This Presentation summarizes the current status of the Rome Laboratory funded Collaborative Interaction and Visualization Project performed by NPAC and Vanguard
This uses 5 component technologies (VR, Network Support, Compression, Video Conferencing, GIS, Multimedia Databases) with Web based Integration
These are used with SGI based large screen stereo displays in 4 applications (Electromagnetic and Weather Simulation, Command and Control, Medical Information Systems and Telemedicine)
This is second presentation of project which statrted in September 1995.
General Remarks
Technology Integration Plan -- Overview and Background Details
Infrastructure -- Hardware, Database, Speech Recognition, Networking, Display
5 Component Technologies -- VR, Network Support, Compression, Video Conferencing, GIS, Multimedia Databases
4 Applications -- Electromagnetic and Weather Simulation, Command and Control, Medical Information Systems and Telemedicine
I.1: Web'95 Technology Revolution
I.2: Web'96 Technology Scenario -- Confusion
I.3: Web'96 Technology Scenario -- II: Implications for RL CIV
I.4:Current prototype of Teacher-Student Interactive Environment - WebFoil
I.5:Prototype of Web based Patient Record system
I.6: RL CIV Multi-Use Technology Integration
I.7: More Technology Background: Complexity of the Expanding Web
I.8: Web/Legacy Software Linkages: Plug-ins, Java/CORBA
I.9: Possible Language/Protocol Level Integration Technologies
I.10: Topologies for Interactive Collaboratory Web Environments -I
I.11: Topologies for Interactive Collaboratory Web Environments - II: Typical topologies
I.12: Dataflow Based Integration Technology
I.13: Integration Concepts: WebFlow, WebTools, WebTop Applications
I.14: WebFlow - Web-based Coarse Grain Data (Object) Flow
I.15: WebTools - ensemble of reusable WebFlow modules
I.16: WebTop Systems - WebFlow based distributed applications
I.17:Preliminary Design of WebFlow Production Version of WebFoil
I.18:Possible WebFlow Implementation of Patient Record Database
In early '95, Web was established as a new pervasive information technology infrastructure. Several sites, including NPAC, initiated in-house experiments to adopt and extend base Web technologies for intranet (enterprise) level base computing support. We based RL CIV on Web Technologies
At NPAC, we prototyped WebTools (a CGI-based PDA support for content authoring, document management and e-mail handling), Web-Oracle frontends for USENET groups and other (educational) databases, and early Web interfaces to VOD services.
Mid'95 brought the first wave of Web technology explosion, including Java language, VMRL protocol and Netscape public offering.
At the end of '95, there werea series of software industry coalitions (Netscape plugins, Java licenses) and the '96'Web product announcements.
The initial scene for Web'96 will be set by two major players: Netscape with plugin partners, and Sun/JavaSoft with Java licensees.
SGI may also play important role due to the leadership in VRML.
Other major vendors such as IBM, Microsoft or Oracle are still trying to play it 'their' rather than the Web way which might result in unpredictable developments and shaping the Netscape/Sun competition/collaboration patterns.
Web technologies will quickly acquire significant power and penetrate corporate computing/information systems.
No simple unique standards are expected in the near term since Netscape has the largest Internet penetration, Sun has the best Internet software technology, SGI has the best visualization platform etc.
This has been developed for both Nursing and general medical applications
The current versions have been upgraded to use same WebTool(kit) JavaScript front end first developed for education
This illustrates how the Web can develop generic approachs which can be applied across a variety of applications from Education, Medicine to Command and Control!
Compared to foilset, new element is Oracle database backend for storage of records
Now you can scroll components of database (selecting perhaps Images), patients or later records from particular hospital
Video can be part of database if this in multimedia patient record
Within the proposed integration framework, the RL CIV project can be formulated in the following way.
Component technologies will be wrapped as reusable modules (e.g. VOD) or as reusable WebTool(kit)s (e.g. DB interfaces)
The bridge based overall architecture of telemedicine will be used as initial focus and template for the command and control application (for which telemedicine can be viewed as civilian dual-use version)
Weather and EMS applications will be viewed as plug-in compute-webs to support proof-of-the concept command and control, based on bridge/telemedicine skeleton.
Image processing is compute web module for Telemedicine
While sharing the common skeleton and GUI, telemedicine will focus on care portal component (which is most realistic for early deployment), while command and control will explore the commander site in terms of weather and EMS collaborative visualization tools. Both will share database backended information systems
Original client-server and HTML/CGI based WWW acquires now several new architectural components.
Server side CGI technologies are being challenged by Netscape LiveWire scripted model which is more consistent with the JavaScript at the client-side.
The emergent generation of Java based HTTP daemons offers new dimensions for fully programmable and state-aware Web servers. (Critical for Collaboration servers)
Documents, previously expressed in terms of easy to learn HTML, are now enriched by Java applets and JavaScript inserts which requires programming expertise for content development.
Several middleware/agent technologies are under development, such as Telescript (intelligent agents), helper/plugins, collaboratory servers, whiteboards, chat rooms etc.
Third party legacy software becomes now rapidly part of the expanding Web using integration/interface/wrapper technologies.
Currently the most popular interface technique is via Netscape plug-ins at the client side and the corresponding LiveWire gateways at the server side.
Finer grain linkage between distributed applications was previously addressed by CORBA/OLE protocols. With Java taking over the C++ domain, these object broker techniques (focused on compiled OO languages) might be eventually of decreasing relevance.
In the near term, companies will require support for object level interaction between their legacy systems and Web software modules.
We learn from private communication with Sun that JavaWorks (a HotJava based CASE toolkit for professional Java development) will offer CORBA based interfaces or "C++ gateways".
At the language/protocol level, we can identify now three potential candidates for integrating/unifying the complex '96 Web systems:
1) HTML/CGI -> JavaScript/LiveWire - this (Netscape) solution promotes all HTML components (forms, frames etc.) to the scripted object level. HTML documents gradually evolve towards dynamic scripts, passed between servers and clients and integrating all multimedia components of HTML with support for user-document interaction.
2) Java OS solution - Sun plans to put Java directly on computer hardware. All backend computers become Java Web servers, all frontends become Java terminals/PDAs.
3) VRML 2.0 -> Televirtuality (TVR) - here the paradigm is shifted from textual/multimedia to 3D visual interactive spaces governed by TVR protocol that integrates VRML and Java.
In the near term, none of these solutions will likely dominate and Web'96 will be a mixture of all these components.
We conclude that the single language/protocol based integration path in not promising in the near term on the multilingual Web.
a) one-to-one - standard client-server based solitary surfing
b) one-to-many - webcast, useful e.g. for distance education or training
c) many-to-one - e.g. a report form a team of intelligent agents, employed in some websearch task
d) many-to-many-direct - a real-time collaboratory such as MOO or chat spaces
e) many-to-many-moderated - bridge based shared spaces such as in web based telemedicine with intelligent middleware switch/moderator
f) synchronized many to many - a cluster management circuit, running continuously in the background to monitor connectivity and resource utilization of individual servers.
(see manufacture of aircraft by distributed company)
We identified three main integration concepts: Two technology components: WebFlow, WebTool(kit)s and applications viewed as WebTop Systems.
WebFlow - Web based dataflow infrastructure. Web is viewed as a collection of computation capable servers, with each server managing a collection of modules, connected by dataflow channels.
WebTool(kit)s - reusable compute-webs, packaged/maintained as composite modules, and used for quick assembly of distributed applications.
WebTop Systems - distributed applications, constructed as compute-webs of webtools modules. RL CIV will protoype WebFlow in the integration technologies sector, package component technologies as WebTools, and use for integrating four selected applications as WebTops.
We will develop two trial implementations of the WebFlow infrastructure:
a) based on conventional HTTPD + CGI Web servers
b) based on Java collaboratory Web servers
In model a), modules are CGI processes scheduled by Unix or Windows OS, communicating by HTTP, and maintaining the internal state via MIME files (virtual memory)
In model b), modules are Java classes, scheduled by multithreaded Java runtime, communicating via Java sockets, and maintaining internal state in the server memory.
A uniform, language/protocol/server technology independent module API will be designed and implemented in this project.
All applications and component technologies will be provided with WebFlow module wrappers and selected modules (e.g. for telemedicine) will be developed from scratch in the WebFlow framework.
WebFlow will offer a minimal set of base modules such as client, server, MIME document, viewer, frame, and visual compute-web editor.
Editor will be written as a Java applet, with the initial design inherited from AVS/Khoros.
Using this base set of primitive modules, new composite modules will be constructed and maintained as reusable WebTool(kit)s.
WebTools layer will assure interoperability with commercial Web tools such as under development by Netscape. Off-the-shelf tools will be used whenever possible, and only application-specific components will be wrapped or developed from scratch.
For example, some base WebRDBMS tools will be provided by Netscape, but the telemedicine application will require advanced application-specific support for patient record databases. The base Oracle API in Netscape will be encapsulated as a core module and then used for developing custom extensions. Also, this Netscape support is not yet available so we will likely develop initial prototoype using WOW or oraperl.
A WebTop system will typically include some default system level webtools such as cluster management support, a set of reusable webtools (e.g. compute-web editors, monitors, user guide support etc.) and a set of application-specific modules, developed from scratch or constructed as wrappers to existing software packages (e.g. GEMACS or weather simulator).
A simple example of a minimal WebTop is Netscape2 based WebFoil package for electronic presentation, recently prototyped at NPAC.
A more complex example is a Web based Telemedicine Office, to be prototyped as part of the RL CIV project.
More generally, RL CIV will prototype four WebTop systems for Command and Control, Weather Simulation, EMS and Telemedicine. In a hierarchial fashion, Command and Control WebTop will incorporate those of Waether and EMS as submodules
WebFlow based production version of WebFoil will be modularized in terms of a set of backend modules (such as foil server, audio server or database server), and a set of frontend modules (such as NavigationBar, Clock, ListPanel, FoilViewer etc.).
NavigationBar is a composite module built out of button modules.
Buttons are further decomposed - for example the [Next] button is a compute-web including Counter, FoilLoader and ExceptionHandler primitive modules.
Buttons are visually authored using the compute-web editor, and the resulting JavaScript functions are constructed automatically be the WebFlow "visual JavaScript compiler" (i.e. graph->source generator)
Functional/Dataflow decomposition of WebFoil will make it more robust and less sensitive to rapid changes of the JavaScript specification.
Polarized shutter glasses, available at low cost from various vendors, offer a natural front-end candidate for the video output.
Alternative low end HMD mode will be also supported to address sensory immersive support for VRML. Here the promising current candidate is from Virtual I/O - a truly lightweight, reasonable resolution and display quality headmount, which also offers an easy switch between fully immersive and augmented reality modes.
3D sound (Crystal River -- Convolvotron) supported by VRML 2.0 will be investigated
Cricket-like input devices seem to be most practical for CIV applications.
These low cost peripherals typically offer 6 degrees of freedom location capability,
tactile feedback and one or a few special purpose control buttons.
The device is hand-held, light and easy to operate in various lab settings.
In parallel with standard/commercial VR hardware/software solutions for the RL CIV project, we are also pursuing at NPAC a research project in advanced human interfaces within the Interface Lab planned by Dave Warner.
This project will address innovative techniques (soundchair, biosignal detecting and multiplexing) for the full body sensory immersion and the associated capabilities for real-time control, information integration and holistic decision making support.
A more prevasive, general purpose component of this research, based on Warner's "neat thing" input device, and aimed at more near term home based care applications, will be addressed as part of the RL CIV project to illustrate role of VR in C2.
Compression technology decreases (by factor 20-200) the time and cost of transmission and storage requirements eliminating spacial, spectral and temporal redundancy
Evaluation of several image compression (JPEG, JBIG, Fractal, Wavelets) and video compression (MPEG, motion JPEG, H.261/263, MVC1, etc) technologies show great potential of wavelet-based methods
Wavelets : comprehensive, modern approach to advanced signal analysis and processing
Public domain software (EPIC, H-compress, Khoros Toolkit) - poor quality
Commercial products of high quality (AccuPress) available but without source and API and so cannot be integrated into other components such as VRML texture maps, digital video etc.
To proceed with the project we need full access to the wavelet based engine for compression/decompression of images and movies
Implementation of 2D still image wavelet compression engine done during the last three months
Orthogonal reversible pyramid algorithm with 9-tap symmetric quadrature mirror filters
Zerotree quantization of transform coefficients with embedding
Arithmetic coder
Major features
24 bit color, 8 bit grey scale, no limit for compression ratio
portability: installed on IBM, SGI, Sun, DEC
modular structure: easy for testing
fully adaptive output stream: one can cut off the tail of the codestream and the rest is the same as the codestream for higher compression ratio
object methodology: readability and easy for introducing changes
Advantage: source available
NPAC developed wavelet compression software (Wv) of quality comparable with the best commercial solutions
Collaborative Command and Control environment requires integration of videoconferencing and Web technologies
Evaluation of Argonne project - 3D virtual environment based on the MOO paradigm (virtual laboratories) -- Argonne has Java based prototype running
Intel works on integration of ProShare with the Web
Netscape acquired Collabra Software Inc. (Sep 95) - the leading independent developer of collaborative computing software
Cosmo technology announced by SGI in December 95 - development environment for creating media-rich, 3D applications
Allows transformation of the Web into fully interactive, multimedia environment - enables creating and viewing
Cosmo suite includes: Cosmo Create, Cosmo Code, Cosmo Player, Cosmo Media Base
Supports the open standards of the Web including HTML, VRML 2.0 and Java
Provides geographical interface to spatially referenced information (place names, population, etc) and terrain models for overlaying electromagnetic and weather simulations
User can interactively navigate over the terrain, and point and click (or search) to find information (in the form of a web page) for a particular region
Terrain model utilizes digital terrain data
Elevation data at 100 meter resolution
Satellite images at 30 meter resolution
Could use other data such as Synthetic Aperture Radar
2D terrain viewer uses only satellite images, has been implemented in Java
3D terrain viewer uses satellite images draped over an elevation grid, has been implemented in VRML
Spatially referenced information from a multimedia database is overlaid onto the 2D or 3D image
Non-hydrostatic, compressible dynamics in a terrain-following vertical coordinate.
6 water phases microphysics (water vapor, cloud water, rain water, cloud ice, snow, and hail).
Code is designed for incorporating spherical coordinate Doppler radar and other data.
Storm-tracking capability.
Platforms support.
Conventional scalar machines (IBM RS/6000, DEC Alpha, etc.).
Vector machines (Cray C-90, etc.).
MPP machines (Cray T3D, CM5).
Workstation clusters using PVM.
Data parallel version for the Cray T3D will be available.
Robert Corona - previously family practitioner, now neuropathologist at SUNY HSC, provides both general and specialized medical expertise and connectivity (via CareNet program) with CNY telemedicine activities.
Wojtek Furmanski - SU/Physics & NPAC, expertise in interactive Web technologies, distributed software engineering and system integration.
Edward Lipson - SU/Physics, expertise in biophysics, medical imaging, connectivity with other SU activities in telemedicine.
Roman Markowksi - SU/NPAC, expertise in ATM, networking infrastructure and core technologies (streamlined media, databases)
Dave Warner - I3/Loma Linda and SU/NPAC (Nason Fellow), expertise in use of human sensory interfaces for rehabilitation and disabilities, overall vision of and connectivity across domains of the telemedical society.
3 NPAC GRAs, 1 junior NPAC researcher
Larger team includes (group of ~30) Warner collaborators in California, Minnesota and North Carolina.
WWW already offers a vast amount of useful information in the healthcare area but its localization and maintenance becomes increasingly complex with the Web expansion.
The goal of this thrust is to develop a systematic procedure for scanning the Web, selecting information relevant for the pilot projects, and constructing a set of relational or OO/MM databases.
Our current/initial approach uses NPAC WebTool(kit)s to setup a collaboratory (CIV) environment, to be accessed by the team members at SU, NPAC, SUNY HSC, California, Minnesota and North Carolina, and used to collectively accumulate useful URLs.
Such, initially unstructured, a list is then analyzed, partitioned into a set of major categories (some of them created dynamically during the list inspection), and finally converted into a relational database with categories as keys, and URLs and cross-indices as table entries.
Example categories include:
Standards (e.g. HL7 for medical record scripting and transfer protocol, ICD-9 coding or ANAD diagnosis patterns),
Databases (of images, druges, hospitals, patient record formats, software packages, textbooks etc.),
People, Organizations etc.
One base service is electronic (Web based) patient record database which we have prototyped with Oracle and JavaScript.
Such records will be likely distributed, with components located at home, family physician office and specialist lab.
The associated services will offer tools for record design, editing, management/storage, history control, secure transfer, structural/hierarchical presentation, and statistical analysis.
Our current application focus in this area is the school nurse project described in next foil.
Based on Nursing Documentation literature, we selected a sample of diverse record formats used in real care units at various stages of the nursing process (assessment, diagnosis, planning, admission, treatment, discharge, long-term care) and we have started a trial implementation using Java/JavaScript multiframe frontends and Oracle/WOW backends.
Deploy Prototype in May 96 for Syracuse TeleMedicine Conference
Atomic components of a generic medical record will later be packaged as WebFlow modules, more composite multiframe constructs as as reusable WebTool(kit)s and the full record design and customization will be facilited by the visual WebFlow authoring tools.