Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 9 April 98

Foil 10 Features of the Advanced Regional Prediction System (ARPS) code

From Collaborative Weather Application in CIV Project Rome Laboratory CIV Final Review -- 9 April 98. by Scott Klasky, Marek Podgorny

1 non-hydrostatic, compressible dynamics in a terrain-following vertical coordinate
2 global terrain database and configuration software with 30 second terrain resolution for most of the US and one degree terrain coverage for the world.
3 1-D, 2-D, and 3-D Cartesian geometry
4 user specified vertical grid-stretching option.
5 warm-rain and 3 category ice (total 6 water phase) microphysics
6 cloud water, rain water, cloud ice, snow, and hail

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