HELP! * GREY=local LOCAL HTML version of Foils prepared December 3,95

Foil 12 Extracting The Relations

From Webwork and its application to Factoring on the Web Supercomputing 95 -- December 3-8,95. by Jim Cowie, Geoffrey Fox, Wojtek Furmanski * See also color IMAGE

For places that satisfy threshold constraint, the client workers emit the prime factorizations for the "a"s and print out the matching "b"s.
If there's a set of "a"'s whose product's factorization consists of primes raised to EVEN powers, then the product is a square, and so is the product of all the matching b^2 terms (trivially).
This would give the happy result that
x^2==y^2 (modulo RSA-N), and we'd have our factorization!

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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