An experimental web browser written in Java, called WebRunner and later renamed as HotJava, ready in 1994. |
Java/HotJava published in April '95. |
Netscape licences Java in May '95 -- this triggers a series of other licensing agreements with major vendors and results in the current slowdown in the public releases of Java/Hotjava. |
Beta JDK (Java Development Kit) published in summer/fall '95. It is better software but lower functionality than Alpha. |
First Java books appear in fall '95 such as a popular overview by SAMS and technical book "Java!" by Tim Ritchey, edited by New Riders. |
Dec 4 1995 Business Week cover story on "Software Revolution --- The Web Changes Everything" exposes Java as a breakthrough force in the expanding Web/Internet. Also points out that "Java as a business" is yet to be defined. |