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Foil 9 Comparison of Java and JavaScript

From Overview of Java SC95 Tutorial on Web Technologies -- December 4,95. by NPAC Team * See also color IMAGE

JavaScript: Interpreted by client and NOT compiled
Java: Compiled on Server before execution on client
  • Note both are reasonably "pure" C/C++ like languages and do NOT have useful sh/awk text and system enhancements of Perl(5)
JavaScript: Object based -- no classes or inheritance -- built in extensible objects
Java: Object-oriented. Programs consist of object classes with inheritance
JavaScript: Integrated with HTML as embedded ascii but of course HTML looks rather irrelevant at times!
Java: Applets distinct from HTML but invoked from HTML Pages
JavaScript: do not declare variables' datatypes -- Loose typing
Java: MUST declare variables' datatypes -- Strong typing
JavaScript -- Dynamic Binding -- object references computed at runtime
Java -- Static Binding -- object references must exist at compile time
Java and JavaScript are secure and cannot write to disk

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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