HELP! * GREY=local LOCAL HTML version of Foils prepared January 8,96

Foil 13 HotJava Features -- Dynamic Types and Protocols

From Overview of Java SC95 Tutorial on Web Technologies -- December 4,95. by NPAC Team * See also color IMAGE

New data types (for example new video compression formats etc.) can be supported in Java even if HotJava browsers are not aware of such new formats.
The data processing software needs to be packaged in terms of Java classes and provided together with the data access itself.
HotJava downloads and dynamically installs the processing software first, and then proceeds with handling the data.
In a similar way, the model can handle a variety of custom communication protocols, e.g. proprietary extensions of HTTP including some special security issues. The protocol handler needs to be provided as a Java package together with the protocol. It will be dynamically installed by HotJava and then used to handle the message transfer.

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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