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Foil 47 NPAC Java Demo 1 (cont): Using AWT from Applets

From Overview of Java SC95 Tutorial on Web Technologies -- December 4,95. by NPAC Team * See also color IMAGE

Components 1--4 use only applet methods
Components 5--10 extend applet functionality in terms of other classes: 5 uses threads, and 6--10 use AWT classes.
Using AWT, each applet can be in fact extended to a full-blown interactive windowing application.
  • Example: Overloading HotJava MenuBar.
  • "item" is applet variable pointing to this applet window.
  • Subsequent parents of this window (including the whole HotJava frame) can be extracted and customized.
Hence, HotJava MenuBar can be customized and overloaded by applets (useful e.g. for developing and customizng educational browsers for various grades)

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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