NPAC WebFoil 0.1 is implemented as a standalone Java application (not an applet), constructed by extending HotJava version alpha3.
The whole browser package from the Java/Hotjava release is overloaded by WebFoil.
Technically, the browser code is copied to a separate WebFoil development/release directory and freely modified there.
CLASSPATH variable is set in such a way that Java compiler thinks WebFoil browser package is the native Java browser package.
All other packages, i.e. all "Java foundation classes" are left intact.
As these classes form the core of the Beta release, porting WebFoil to beta Java should be straightforward after/if beta HotJava is available.
Apart from modifying browser package, WebFoil also adds one more class package called 'presenter'.
It includes tools such as on-line FoilHTML editor, dynamic menubar handler, foilset manager, and the attribute database manager.