HELP! * GREY=local LOCAL HTML version of Foils prepared January 8,96

Foil 55 NPAC WebFoil -- Implementation

From Overview of Java SC95 Tutorial on Web Technologies -- December 4,95. by NPAC Team * See also color IMAGE

NPAC WebFoil 0.1 is implemented as a standalone Java application (not an applet), constructed by extending HotJava version alpha3.
The whole browser package from the Java/Hotjava release is overloaded by WebFoil.
  • Technically, the browser code is copied to a separate WebFoil development/release directory and freely modified there.
  • CLASSPATH variable is set in such a way that Java compiler thinks WebFoil browser package is the native Java browser package.
All other packages, i.e. all "Java foundation classes" are left intact.
  • As these classes form the core of the Beta release, porting WebFoil to beta Java should be straightforward after/if beta HotJava is available.
Apart from modifying browser package, WebFoil also adds one more class package called 'presenter'.
  • It includes tools such as on-line FoilHTML editor, dynamic menubar handler, foilset manager, and the attribute database manager.

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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