What Is Televirtuality?
HyperWorld of New Media
Potential Major Players
Current Developments in VRML Forum
VAG --- VRML Architecture Group
VAG Proposals for Behavior in VRML
VRML Behavior Proposal by Mitra, Worlds, Inc.
VRML Behavior Proposal by Mitra, Worlds, Inc. (cont)
VRML+ -- A Model for VRML based Collaboratory
VRML+ Concepts
VRML+ Concepts (cont)
Unifying Role of Agents
Variable Grain Size Agents --- Examples
We also describe various new Web approaches including VRML extensions and their implications for WebScript
Integrating Collaboratory and Simulation
Examples of Current R&D at NPAC
VRML based Terrain Rendering
Thread based HPCC Distributed Simulation
JAVA Collaboratory