What Is Televirtuality?
VAG --- VRML Architecture Group
VRML+ -- A Model for VRML based Collaboratory
Unifying Role of Agents
We also describe various new Web approaches including VRML extensions and their implications for WebScript |
Integrating Collaboratory and Simulation |
Examples of Current R&D at NPAC
001 Tutorial on Current and Future Web(NII) Technologies -- TeleVirtual Environments 002 Abstract of Televirtual Environments Presentation 003 What Is Televirtuality? 004 HyperWorld of New Media 005 The Hyperworld of New Interactive Media 006 Potential Major Players 007 Current Developments in VRML Forum 008 VAG --- VRML Architecture Group 009 VAG Proposals for Behavior in VRML 010 VRML Behavior Proposal by Mitra, Worlds, Inc 011 VRML Behavior Proposal by Mitra, Worlds, Inc. (cont) 012 VRML+ --- A Model for VRML Based Cyberspace Collaboratory 013 VRML+ Concepts 014 VRML+ Concepts (cont) 015 Unifying Role of Agents 016 Variable Grain Size Agents --- Examples 017 VRML 2.0 Object Extensions, Client Technologies and WebScript 018 Some VRML Extension Candidates 019 Client Side Interpreter Candidates - I 020 Client Side Interpreter Candidates - II 021 Client Side Interpreter Candidates - III 022 Integration or the Tower of Babel of the Many Approaches with WebScript 023 Integrating Collaboratory and Simulation 024 Examples of Current R&D at NPAC 025 Terrain Rendering and Televirtuality -- Introduction 026 Terrain Rendering and Televirtuality -- Level-Of-Detail 027 Terrain Rendering and Televirtuality -- Concept 028 Terrain Rendering and Televirtuality -- Advantages 029 Collaboratory and HPCC Simulations -- I 030 Collaboratory and HPCC Simulations -- II 031 What is TCE ? 032 Interactive WaTor Simulation -- I 033 Interactive WaTor Simulation -- II 034 Java Based Collaboratory System -- What is a Collaboratory System 035 Java Based Collaboratory System -- Operations 036 Java Based Collaboratory System -- Operations' Management 037 Java Based Collaboratory System -- Client Server Structure 038 Java Based Collaboratory System -- Multi-Client Structure 039 Java Based Collaboratory System -- Ongoing Extensions