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GLOBAL foilset SC95 Tutorial: Web Technologies for Education

Given by NPAC Team at SC95 Tutorial on December 4,95. Foils prepared December 2,95
More Detail! * Foil Index from this file * See also color IMAGE

This tutorial will provide comprehensive coverage of interactive WWW technologies and their integration with HPCC from the perspective of distance education.
The presenters will outline their vision of the Virtual University for modern education and discuss interactive WWW, HPCC backends, and agent-based communication as three critical enabling technologies in this framework.
They will illustrate these concepts with demonstrations of WWW spaces and courses developed at the University of Syracuse such as KidsWeb,Science for the 21st Century, Living Textbook, and Computational Science for the Information Age.
They will explain component technologies and infrastructure such as WebTools, parallel databases, and video and computational servers. Finally, they will discuss their concept of WebWork and WebWindows as an emergent, collectively developed integration framework for the WWW, agents, and HPCC-based Simulations-on-Demand,
They will present prototype demonstrations of interactive and collaborative modules for distance education.

This mixed presentation uses parts of the following base foilsets which can also be looked at on their own!
Supercomputing 95 Tutorial on Web Technologies for Education Master Presentation
Set of Add-On Foils for Research Presentations
Master Foilset for HPCS95 Keynote Presentation
Master Foilset for RCI Presentation on HPCC and NII for Industry and Education
InfoVISION: Information Video Simulation Imagery ON demand
Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC Projects 1995-March96
Master of Overview of NII and Web Technology for NII ASOP Review at Langley
Additional Material for Web Technology Presentations July 95 -- March 96
Brief Overview of Web-Relational Database Integration
CPS600 Presentation on Linkage of Web to Relational(Oracle) Databases
Master Foilset for Interactive Web based HPDC Technologies for Distance Education
Discussion of NII for Real World -- Education Medicine Journalism
Overview of Business Enterprise Systems and the Web
ASOP Requirements for the NII
Master Foilset for Technologies and Issues for Virtual University
Pictures of Web Pages for Modules of Phy105/106
Screendumps of kidsweb web pages
Overview foils for Computational Science Overview at Illinois -- May 1995
Master Support set for Engineering and Computer Science Presentations
CRPC Annual Meeting WebWindows Presentation
Master Foilset for The Future of HPF -- MetaComputing and the World Wide Web
General Foils on PCRC -- Parallel Compiler Runtime Consortium

Table of Contents for SC95 Tutorial: Web Technologies for Education

Additional Resources

Web Technology has Three Opportunities
1 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Tutorial on Current and Future Web(NII) Technologies as the basis of Distance Education and Related Topics
2 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Abstract of Supercomputing 95 Web/NII Tutorial for Distance Education
3 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web Technology has at least three opportunities for you and me!

The Web can come to the rescue of HPCC and we can use HPCC to implement the high performance server network and computing parts of the web!

4 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML HPCC needs a large enough market to sustain technology (systems and software)
5 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML World Wide Web (WWW) is key to HPCC Implementation

The WebServer -- InfoVision Scenario
6 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML WebServers and InfoVision as an example of Opportunity for MPP's on the NII
7 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Integration of Industry Sectors forming the NII
8 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Standard Scenario for HPCC and NII
9 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML NII Compute & Communications Capability in Year 2000 --> 2005
10 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Ultimate Vision and Implementation of NII and InfoVision
11 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML What is a Web or HPMMCC Network Server ?

Could switch to Video technology Presentation here
12 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML How a Car is Built, Bob Frye educational documentary
13 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Discovery Channel video on demand, video graphics

Note Interest in Caching described in detail in Technologies and Issues for Virtual University
14 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML A Typical Hierarchical Server Network

We Start with the Current Party Line Web Technology Scenario

15 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Architecture of Web Software
16 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Java/Netscape2.0 Client server Model
17 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Current NII/Web Technologies -- I
18 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Current NII/Web Technologies -- II
19 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Technologies to be Integrated into the Web -- I

Integration of Web with Parallel or Sequential Relational Databases
20 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web to Oracle Interface Screen 10: Query by Subject --2
21 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML NPAC Oracle 7 Web Interface -- Home Page
22 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Popular Query by Subject for NPAC Oracle 7 Web Interface

The Integration of Web with Relational Data Bases is Remarkably Succesful
23 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web Oracle Integration
24 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Key points in Web Technology
25 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Key points in database technology
26 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web-Database Synergy
27 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML NPAC Web-Database Applications
28 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Importance for Key Communities
29 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Client-Server Architecture for WOW

And Relational and Other Database Technology is Part of the Amazing Web Search Capabilities
30 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web Search Examples and Issues
31 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Motivation for Web Search Systems
32 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Challenges and Issues
33 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Current Major Players in Web Search
34 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Major Components and Architecture of a Web Search System
35 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Web Gathering Subsystem
36 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Indexing Subsystem
37 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Database Search Engine
38 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Web Search Interface

This is just one early example but other technologies will also get integrated

39 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Technologies to be Integrated into the Web -- II
40 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Our Overall NII Integrating Vision
41 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Critical Emerging Web Technologies
42 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Emerging Higher Level Web Integration Concepts -- I

Illustrations of relevance of Java

43 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Figure 6:Impressive early Java demo (fromBrown Univ.) -- sorting algorithms
44 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Character Recognition Demo -- The Letter W
45 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Dining Philosopher Educational Applet
46 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Nuclear Reactor Educational Applet

Illustration of VRML
47 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML New York State Interactive Journey: link to Herkimer Home
48 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Link between Interactive Journey and classroom multimedia projects

Back to Overview Material on Technology!
49 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Emerging Higher Level Web Integration Concepts -- I
50 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Emerging Higher Level Web Integration Concepts -- II
51 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML What is WebWindows ?
52 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Current Components of WebWindows
53 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Is WebWindows an Operating System ?

And what we have/will talk about!
54 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML What are we going to Discuss?
55 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Client, Server and Delivery Technologies in Tutorial - I
56 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Client Server and Delivery Technologies in Tutorial - II
57 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Client Server and Delivery Technologies in Tutorial - III

WebWindows is underlying Environment for world wide MetaComputer
58 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML WebWindows is Open Portable Environment
59 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Illustrative Screendump for WebTools (Spring '95):Message Editor: Functionality, Implementation
60 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Is WebWindows an Operating System ?
61 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Illustration of WebWindows Concept for Presentation Software
62 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML RCIHalloween Presentation Foil on WebFoil in WebFoil!!
63 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Lessons of WebFoil for WebWindows Software Development Scenario
64 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML RCIHalloween Presentation Foil on WebFoil in WebFoil with Perl Manipulated Source

A good time to Go to Java Presentation!

Applications on the Web
65 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Relevant NII Services-I
66 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Relevant NII Services-II
67 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Use of NII Services in Particular Applications -- HealthCare and Telemedicine
68 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Use of NII Services in Particular Applications -- Education
69 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Use of NII Services in Particular Applications -- Society
70 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Use of NII Services in Particular Applications
-- Business (Enterprise Systems)

With Business Enterprise Systems in more detail
71 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Business Enterprise Systems and the Web
72 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Overview of Enterprise Systems
73 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Enterprise Systems -- external
74 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Enterprise Systems -- internal
75 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Enterprise Systems -- Groupware == Collaborative Support
76 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Enterprise Systems -- Groupware
77 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Enterprise Systems -- future
78 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Use of NII Services in Particular Applications
-- Defence and Crisis Management
79 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Use of NII Services in Particular Applications -- Collaboratory
80 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Use of NII Services in Particular Applications
-- Manufacturing of Complex Systems
81 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML ASOP and Multidisciplinary Analysis and Design(MAD)
82 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML NII Enhances ASOP in a Multi-Organization Activity
83 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Industrial/Academic/Government Consensus is ASOP Basis
84 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML ASOP Introduces Aerospace Paradigm Shifts
85 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML An anecdote contrasting MPP and NII value in Manufacturing

VRML is another important technology!

86 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Why is VRML Another Important Concept?
87 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML for Geographical Information system -- Western Long Island View-1 using WebView

Geographical Information Systems using VRML enables virtual field trips in Living Schoolbook(see later)

88 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML 2D Terrain Rendering for New York State Interactive Journey
89 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Weather Report accessed through the Interactive Journey

And now we could discuss VRML in detail

Virtual University Activities that NPAC is involved in:

90 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Implications of Brave New Web World for Education
91 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Virtual University Activities Involving NPAC -- I
92 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Virtual University Activities Involving NPAC -- II

Science for the Twentyfirst Century is a sophisticated hyperlinked educational resource and includes simulation, homework, internal and external material

93 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Encoder neural network tutorial and simulation page

The next Example is Living Text/Schoolbook
94 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Overview of the Living Schoolbook Project
95 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Living Schoolbook Project Partners
96 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Outside Partners of the Living Schoolbook Project

We can Involve the Media Professionals in Newhouse School at SU

97 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VASTNET -- NPAC, Newhouse School, University Electronic Media Services Collaboration

FLAG is a major effort to link Africa and the Far East by ocean cable
98 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Comments on FLAG (Fiber Optic Link Across the Globe) and the Virtual University - I
99 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Comments on FLAG (Fiber Optic Link Across the Globe) and the Virtual University - II
100 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Fiber Link Across the Globe FLAG -- Topology

Kids Web is a digital library for K-12 use of Internet and the following Illustrates Title page and one section of library (on Space from NASA)

For example Example of Kidsweb Title Page

101 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Kidsweb Home Page and Table of Contents for Arts, Science
102 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Astronomy and Space content - Combined picture of Jupiter with Comet Shoemaker-Levy9 fragments

New Approachs to Computational Science

103 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML What is Computational Science?
104 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Program in Computational Science
Implemented within current academic framework
105 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Program in Information Age Computational Science Implemented Within Current Academic Program
106 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML What we taught this Spring CPS600 --
"Technologies for Webwindows" --
The next generation (meta)Computing and Communications Environment
107 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Proposed Interdisciplinary MultiMedia Master's Degree IMM
108 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The 4 tracks of the IMM Master's Degree
109 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Proposed Academic Schedule of IMM
110 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Current Computational Science (CPS) Core Courses
111 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Current Proposed CPS Core Courses -- Information Track
112 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Education in a Box -- Initial Steps to Understand Web Based Education
113 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Scope of Certificate in Computational Science

Back to Computing **************************************************

Introduction to WebWork

114 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML What Is WebWork -- NPAC,
Boston University, Cooperating Systems Collaboration -- I?
115 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML What Is WebWork -- NPAC,
Boston University Cooperating Systems Collaboration -- II?
116 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Key Features of WebWork

Some Motivating Examples of WebWork

117 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Factoring RSA Numbers and Security
118 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML A WebWork Approach to Breaking Bank of England
119 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Factoring RSA Codes -- Software Resource FAFNER
120 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Factoring RSA Codes -- NPAC Page
121 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Digital Crime(!?) Home Page

Details of WebWork

122 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML WebWork Architecture
123 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Figure 2: WebWork -- System Overview with Three Layers

The lowest Layer is the World Wide Virtual Machine
124 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML World-Wide Virtual Machine
125 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Figure 1:Server-to-Server Communication Diagram

The first High Level Example is WebFlow
126 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML WebFlow Paradigm
127 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Figure 7: Java demo (NPAC) -- WebFlow Editor prototype

WebScript is Layer 2 Integration of Agents and Scripted Languages

128 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML General WebScript and Agents

Software Project Manager Illustrates the Synergy between Software Engineering and Computing
129 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Software Project Manager -- Example of Agent Middleware
130 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Figure 8: Java demo (NPAC) -- WebFlow application prototype: Project Manager
131 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Figure 3: WebTools CASE tools sample manual page Including hyper-source code

More Ambitious is WebHPL (High Performance Language)
132 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML NPAC HPF Compiler on the WWW -- Architectural Design
133 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML NPAC HPF Compiler on the WWW -- Architectural Design -- Contd
134 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML A World-Wide Virtual Machine design based on Web and PVM technologies
135 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML A WWVM based on Web and PVM Technologies
136 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Architecture of NPAC HPF Compilation System on WWW
137 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Guidelines for HPF Futures

Parallel Compiler Runtime Support

138 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML PCRC Project Overview
139 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Research Issues and Innovations - 1
140 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Team Members
141 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML PCRC Naturally Fits in with WebWork

How does one Integrate Java,VRML, Interpreters and Compilers?

142 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Interpreters versus Compilers -- I?
143 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Interpreters versus Compilers -- Domain Specific Environments
144 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java and HPF Futures
145 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML and HPF Futures

Finally an Overview of WebWork Concepts
146 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML WebWork Integration Model
147 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Contrast of Technologies in 3 Worlds

And now we can combine Computing with Collaboration Technologies

First Another Approach to Scripting Tcl/Tk
148 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Tcl/Tk for Internet Applications
149 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Tcl/Tk vs. Java
150 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML What is Tcl/Tk ?
151 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java can be Compared to Tcl/Tk
152 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Using Tcl/Tk or Java or both?
153 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Details of Tcl/Tk
154 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Relationship of Tcl and Tk
155 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Advantages and Disadvantages of Tcl/Tk
156 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Selected Language features
157 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Extensions of Tcl/Tk
158 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML TcL/Tk Multimedia Extensions and WWW Tools
159 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML TcL/Tk Applications for Supercomputing Community
160 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Tcl/Tk References

and then the very important agent technology Telescript
162 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Background Information on the General Magic Corporation
163 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Three Components of General Magic's main product, announced in 1994
164 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Potted History of Telescript
165 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Telescript and the Web
166 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Telescript Language
167 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Telescript Communication and Process Implementation
168 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Telescript Places and Agents
169 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Telescript supports persistent objects
170 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Telescript Attributes
171 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Telescript World -- Telenames!
172 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Telescript Object Methods and examples for the Place class
173 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Important methods of the Telescript Agent class
174 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Examples of Telescript Application Domains

And a European Entry in Information Organization Arena: Hyper-G
175 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML What is Hyper-G?
176 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Developers of Hyper-G
177 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Necessity of a new information system?
178 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML What is the Point of Hyper-G ?
179 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Structure of Information in Hyper-G
180 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Harmony and Clients for Hyper-G
181 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Other Clients of Hyper-G
182 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Conclusion on Hyper-G:

Full WebWisdom URL and this Foilset Search
Alias List This contains all WebWisdom links preceded by those referenced in this foilset

List of WebWisdom URL's Used in this Foilset

key LTBdiscovery URL * Example page from Living Textbook showing "Video on Demand" with content from Discovery Channel by gcf on June 15,1995
Times 1 Foils referenced Script
key LTBimages URL * Example page from Living Textbook showing "Image on Demand" by gcf on June 15,1995
Times 1 Foils referenced Script
key LTBkidsweb URL * Example of Kidsweb Title Page by gcf on June 15,1995
Times 1 Foils referenced Script
key asknpac URL * Oracle-Web Interface to Usenet and other Services by gcf on Oct 30,1995
Times 2 Foils referenced Foil 21 Foil 22
key bookoracle URL * Oracle-Web Interface to Books on Parallel Computing by gcf on Oct 13,1995
Times 1 Foils referenced Script
key cps616collab URL * Collaboration Presentation for CPS600 by gcf on Tue Feb 18 1997
Times 1 Foils referenced Script
key cps616perl URL * CPS616 Instructional Material on PERL4 based on O'Reilly Llama book by gcf on Tue Feb 18 1997
Times 1 Foils referenced Script
key gcfsummary URL * Mother of all Technology Presentations by gcf on Sat Nov 11 1995
Times 1 Foils referenced Script
key kidswebpage URL * KidsWeb Home Page by gcf on Oct 13,95
Times 1 Foils referenced Foil 101
key livingtextbook URL * Screendumps of Living Textbook web pages by gcf on Tue Feb 18 1997
Times 1 Foils referenced Script
key sc95java URL * Overview of Java by gcf on Tue Feb 18 1997
Times 1 Foils referenced Script
key sc95televirtual URL * Televirtual Environments -- Technologies and Applications by gcf on Mon Feb 17 1997
Times 1 Foils referenced Script
key sc95video URL * Video Server,Delivery and Compression Technologies by gcf on Mon Feb 17 1997
Times 1 Foils referenced Script
key sc95vrml URL * Overview of VRML by gcf on Mon Feb 17 1997
Times 1 Foils referenced Script
key usenetoracle URL * Oracle-Web Interface to Usenet and other Services by gcf on Oct 13,1995
Times 1 Foils referenced Script
key virtuniv95 URL * Technologies and Issues for Virtual University by gcf on Tue Feb 18 1997
Times 2 Foils referenced Script Script
key webtool/Java URL * Webtool Java Tutorial by gcf on Mon Feb 17 1997
Times 1 Foils referenced Script
key webtool/Perl5 URL * Webtool Perl5 by gcf on Mon Feb 17 1997
Times 1 Foils referenced Script
key webtool/VRML URL * Webtool VRML Tutorial by gcf on Mon Feb 17 1997
Times 1 Foils referenced Script
key wwwfoilhelp URL * wwwfoil foil manipulation package by gcf on Sat Nov 11 1995
Times 1 Foils referenced Script
Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

If you have any comments about this server, send e-mail to

Page produced by wwwfoil on Tue Feb 18 1997