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Supercomputing 95 Tutorial on Web Technologies for Education Master Presentation

Given by NPAC Team at SC95 Tutorial on Web Technologies on December 4,95. Foils prepared December 2,95
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This tutorial will provide comprehensive coverage of interactive WWW technologies and their integration with HPCC from the perspective of distance education.
The presenters will outline their vision of the Virtual University for modern education and discuss interactive WWW, HPCC backends, and agent-based communication as three critical enabling technologies in this framework.
They will illustrate these concepts with demonstrations of WWW spaces and courses developed at the University of Syracuse such as KidsWeb,Science for the 21st Century, Living Textbook, and Computational Science for the Information Age.
They will explain component technologies and infrastructure such as WebTools, parallel databases, and video and computational servers. Finally, they will discuss their concept of WebWork and WebWindows as an emergent, collectively developed integration framework for the WWW, agents, and HPCC-based Simulations-on-Demand,
They will present prototype demonstrations of interactive and collaborative modules for distance education.

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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