HELP! * GREY=local LOCAL HTML version of Foils prepared January 8 1996

Foil 18 VRML - Nodes III -- Properties nodes

From Overview of VRML SC95 Tutorial on Web Technologies -- December 4,95. by NPAC Team * See also color IMAGE

Coordinate3 a set of 3D coordinates e.g. for IndexedFaceSet
FontStyle font style for AsciiText
Info information node
LOD - Level-Of-Detail switches between various object representations
Material surface material properties
MaterialBinding specifies how materials are bound to shapes
Normal a set of 3D surface normals, e.g. for IndexedFaceSet
NormalBinding specifies how normals are bound to shapes
Texture2 texture map and parameters for that map
Texture2Transform 2D transformation applied to texture coordinates
TextureCoordinate2 a set of 2D coordinates used by textures
ShapeHints topology hints for surface rendering
MatrixTransform a geometric 3D transformation matrix
Rotation 3D rotation (axis and angle)
Scale 3D scaling factor
Transform a full 3D transform (scale, rotation, translation)
Translation a translation by 3D vector
OrtographicCamera a parallel projection from a viewpoint
PerspectiveCamera a perspective projection from a viewpoint
DirectionalLight a light source with rays parallel to a 3D vector
PointLight a light source at a fixed 3D location
SpotLight a light source with rays inside a cone

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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