The CPS616 HomePage -- Basic Resource for Web Technology Class which is part of 4 semester-course certificate in Internet Systems

Courses are delivered using the Javascript based WebWisdom system which supports linked audio, assesment by logging of material used in a general hierarchical information space

NPAC Developed a Digital Video Archive for use in the Schools. This includes a set of documentaries donated by Bob Frye, an Emmy award winning director. The picture shows a Clip from Berlin Journey of a City superimposed on the text index.

This shows the Home Page for the video server asset Manager

This shows the Microsoft Internet Explorer version with the last (third) stage of the user interaction with VoD Client which is inside the Internet Explorer browser. Close caption text and video window with controls are embedded and communicate with each other within one HTML page We digitize video and extract close captioned index when setting up the database.

This picture illustrates the Close Caption text associated with a Movie. The Windows95 Video Client displays ActiveMovie OLE control with a video window (right lower corner). ActiveMovie Control Properties window provides an extended interface to the Video Client (right upper corner)

This show the Enrollment in the web-based class "Science for The Twenty First Century" as a function of time. This course sequence is offered to non science undergraduates at Syracuse University in their freshman year.

Science for the Twenty First Century is divided into self contained interdisciplinary modules such as "Search for Extraterrestial Intelligence", "PseudoScience and the Paranomal" and here "Mind and Machine" which contrasts the biological and digital approach to computation

Elementary Physics can be explained by a set of applets such as this designed to indicate the properties of cross products. This and another teaching tools are integrated into the collaborative Environment Tango

We offered an International Certificate in Computational Science to a group of Students at Harbin Institute of Technology in China. This took our electronic material on both HPCC and Web Technologies, loaded it onto a local Web Server and NPAC provided guidance via email. This succesful experiment will be expanded and most of the material is being translated by the faculty and students into Chinese so that it will be easier to absorb! We shoe some of the publicity generated

and here is one of certificates presented by Geoffrey Fox on a special visit to Harbin in July 1996