Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 30 Sept 96

Foil 3 Some Critical Emerging Web Technologies

From Master Set of Foils for NPAC Supercomputing 96 Tutorial SC96 Web Technology and HPCC Tutorial -- November 18 1996. by Geoffrey C. Fox

1 Java -- a partially interpreted C++ like language (script) allowing fully interactive clients which execute applets.
  • Likely to become dominant Software Engineering Language in future
  • And even more likely to be dominant language for science and engineering as can be compiled efficiently
2 JavaScript -- A fully interpreted Web Systems integration Language
3 VRML -- a 3 dimensional HTML allowing universal description of physical objects and allowing interchange of virtual worlds, commercial product designs etc. Latest version 2.0 suuports interactivity
4 Web-linked Databases such as Oracle connected to emerging JDBC (Java Database Connection)

in Table To:

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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