To compile WeebWisdom 1.0 presentations in all directories at once: 1. For every subdirecotory not being a presentation, create a list of sub-directories to be parsed by compilation process. This list must be stored in files "", one file per directory, one sub-directory name per line, starting from presentations HOME directory 2. Create HOME/scripts sub-directory and copy to it all the files from .../gcf/scripts 3. Copy wwwalias file to HOME directory 4. Create scripts sub-directory and copy to it all the files from .../gcf/scripts 5. Prepare directory structure by running scripts/ in every sub-directory not being a presentation, recursively, starting from HOME directory. The script will: - link wwwalias file from super-directory, - link file from HOME/scripts 6. Create WisdomNT directory in every presentation by running scripts/ in every directory not being a presentation and directly contating presentations 7. Create HOME/logs subdirectory 8. While in HOME directory run "scripts/copy" script. This will link all the neccessary executables to WebWisdomNT directories in every presentation directory. There is no need to run it in all non-presentation directories as it calls "copy" for every directory listed in files (recursively). 9. While in HOME directory run "scripts/clean" to remove all previously compiled files from WebWisdomNT directories 10.While in HOME directory run "scripts/prep" to link all the files from WebWisdom 1.0 sub-directories to WebWisdomNT directory for every presentation. Note: While repeating this step you can avoid copying sounds and images by running "./proc" instead of "./prep". This script will copy only "processed", "options", "extrainfo" and similar files which are changed in the meanwhile. 11.While in HOME directory run "scripts/s2p" to compile all the presentations being scripts (paly-lists). 12.While in HOME directory run "scripts/e2p" to compile all the presentations being lists of "exports" ("exported" or "external" HTML pages) 13.While in HOME directory run "scripts/aliases" to replace {} items by texts from perswww and wwwalias files. Note: some items must be replaced manually while reading to the database. I replace {basedirectory} to `pwd` and {npac} to "". {} being URLs are replaced by ... tags with appropriate argument. 14.While in HOME directory run "scripts/r2h" to create files which will be read directly by the database 15.While in HOME directory run "scripts/cpimgs" to copy missing images to WisdomNT directories. If any image is copied, go back to step 14 to repeat the compilation. 16.Check if everything is OK by taking a look in "logs" directory to total log files (files being concatenation of every standard output for every program/shell). If an error occurs, a message about it is preceeded by "####" string of characters to identify it easily by any editor. Warnings are preceeded by "...." string. KNOWN BUGS: The S2P compiler cannot detect last foil of a sub-presentation pointed by "end" statement instead of foil number in "script" file. One must correct it manually by going to pointed presenatation, getting the highest foil number and replacing "end" by this number in "script" file. Such case occured only twice and thus I did not perform this task automatically, which would be quite difficult (I point presentations by names, and not by directory names. To link them, I should refer to wwwalias file, read totally a sub-presentation, and count its foils. This would be quite big program to be used very occassionally).